Hi Michael
I made a simplified but I think for the ORM equivalent example which I attach.
In ExamplesTest.py I commented:
# essential: ORM canot cope if this comes after s._mother = m

It seems if that condition is not met then there is indefinite
recursion. Whether that could/should be avoided by the ORM I do not

I just noticed a mistake. Need to add to ExamplesOrm.py:
mapper(OldSon, inherits=son_mapper, polymorphic_identity='oldson')
This did not change the test results.

Thanks for your time

> Michael Bayer:
>Its impossible for me to assist you further without the benefit of a complete 
>example of what you're doing, including both tables, both >mappers, an example 
>of their manipulation.   If you attach a test case make sure its self 
>contained and does not rely on external >libraries other than SQLAlchemy.    
>There should not be recursion issues in SQLAlchemy but its possible that in 
>some cases they are >unavoidable, if things are configured to point to 
>themselves in some way (though I cannot picture how you'd be doing that 
>without >full details).

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doubly linked one to one reationship

class Mother(object):
  def __init__(self, son):
    self._son = son
    self._givenName = ''

  def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+'('+self._givenName+' has son '+self._son._givenName+')'

class Son(object):
  def __init__(self): 
    self._mother = None
    self._givenName = ''

  def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+'('+self._givenName+' has mother '+self._mother._givenName+')'

class YoungSon(Son): pass

class OldSon(Son): pass
from Examples import *
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, Boolean, Date, MetaData, Sequence, ForeignKey, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation, backref

One to one relationship mother and son (only ever one and only one son!)
In objects:

def mappings(metadata):
  mothers_table = Table('mothers', metadata,
    Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),        # not in object
    Column('son', Integer, ForeignKey('sons.id')), # not in object

    Column('_givenName', String(40))
  sons_table = Table('sons', metadata,
    Column('id',Integer, primary_key=True),      # not in object
    Column('type', String(30),nullable=False),   # not in object

    Column('_givenName', String(40))
  mapper(Mother, mothers_table, properties={
    '_son':relation(Son, backref=backref('_mother', uselist=False))

  son_mapper = mapper(Son, sons_table,  polymorphic_on=sons_table.c.type, polymorphic_identity='son')
  mapper(YoungSon, inherits=son_mapper ,        polymorphic_identity='youngson')

# vim: set fileencoding=UTF-8 :

import os
import unittest
from  Examples import *
import ExamplesOrm

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, clear_mappers
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
import transaction

class ApplicationTest(unittest.TestCase):

  def setUp(self):
    """return db session object after creating the database schema according to ORM 

    orm = ExamplesOrm 
    self.engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') #overwritting what TG2 may have!
    #self.engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%(here)s/devdata.db') #overwritting what TG2 may have!
    #print "setUp BEFORE os.path.exists('devdata.db')", os.path.exists('devdata.db')
    #self.engine = create_engine('sqlite:///devdata.db') #overwritting what TG2 may have!

    self.metadata = MetaData(self.engine)
    Session = sessionmaker()
    self.session = Session()
    #print "setUp AFTER  os.path.exists('devdata.db')", os.path.exists('devdata.db')
  def tearDown(self):
    #print "tearDown BEFORE os.path.exists('devdata.db')", os.path.exists('devdata.db')
    #print "tearDown AFTER  os.path.exists('devdata.db')", os.path.exists('devdata.db')

  def _alternateSession(self):
    Session = sessionmaker()
    return Session()

  def testCreateSchema(self):
    #would be nice to list tables and columns created

    #the table exists and has no row in it
    self.assertTrue(self.session.query(Mother).count() == 0)

  def testDoublyLinkedOneToOne(self):
    s = Son()
    s._givenName = 'Albert'
    m = Mother(s)
    m._givenName = 'Maria'
    s._mother = m
    print m, s

    #now add

    self.assertTrue(self.session.query(Mother).count() == 1)
    print self.session.query(Mother).first()
    print self.session.query(Mother).first()._son

    s = self._alternateSession()
    print s.query(Mother).first()._son._mother
  def testExchangeSon(self):
    s = Son()
    s._givenName = 'Albert'
    m = Mother(s)
    m._givenName = 'Maria'
    s._mother = m
    print m, s

    #now exchange
    s = Son()
    s._givenName = 'Paul'
    s._mother = m
    m._son = s
    print m, s

  def testInheritance(self):
    s = YoungSon()
    s._givenName = 'YoungJim'
    m = Mother(s)
    m._givenName = 'Maria'
    s._mother = m
    print m, s

    s = OldSon()
    m._son = s     # essential: ORM canot cope if this comes after s._mother = m
    s._givenName = 'OldJohn'
    s._mother = m
    print m, s

if __name__ == '__main__':

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