On Sep 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:

> Yes, I've done that. I doesn't work either.
>                       for chan in channels:
>                               if chan.id == channel.id:
>                                       chan = session.merge(channel)
>                                       break

i dont understand the context of that code (what's "channel") ?

This is how a basic merge works:

def merge_new_data(some_xml):
     my_objects = parse_xml(some_xml)

   # at this point, every object in "my_objects" should
   # have a primary key, as well as every child of every element,
   # all the way down.   Existing primary keys must be fully populated,
   # that's your job.  This is the intricate part, obviously.  But you don't 
   # merge anything here, just get the PKs filled in.

   # then you merge the whole thing.   merge() cascades along all 
   # relationships.   The rule is simple - if PK is present and exists in the 
DB, it 
   # updates.  otherwise, it inserts.

   for obj in my_objects:

  # done

> On Sep 13, 2:27 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 13, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:
>>> If I merge the updated channel like you can see in this piece of code
>>> it's working:
>>>    def insertXML(channels, strXml):
>>>            """Insert a new channel given XML string"""
>>>            channel = Channel()
>>>            session = rdb.Session()
>>>            channel.fromXML(strXml)
>>>            fillChannelTemplate(channel, channels)
>>>                for item in channel.items:
>>>                            if item.id == 0:
>>>                                    item.id = None
>>>                                    break
>>>                session.merge(channel)
>>>            for chan in channels:
>>>                    if chan.id == channel.id:
>>>                            chan.items.append(item)
>>>                            break
>>> My problem is I'm using channels, it's a list of channels which I save
>>> it in HTTP session object. The channels list is a detached object
>>> which I get using joinload option. So in this case, I update the
>>> object correctly in database, but It isn't persistent in channels if I
>>> do this:
>>>                    for chan in channels:
>>>                            if chan.id == channel.id:
>>>                                    chan.items.append(item)
>>>                                    break
>>> Do you have any idea how I can solve this problem? or another
>>> approach?
>> here:
>>>                session.merge(channel)
>> use the return value of merge():
>>         channel = session.merge(channel)
>> the returned channel plus all children is the fully merged result.
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Sep 10, 5:09 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sep 10, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:
>>>>> Hello guys,
>>>>> I have this table:
>>>>>    class Channel(rdb.Model):
>>>>>            rdb.metadata(metadata)
>>>>>            rdb.tablename("channels")
>>>>>            id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>>>            title = Column("title", String(100))
>>>>>            hash = Column("hash", String(50))
>>>>>            runtime = Column("runtime", Float)
>>>>>            items = relationship(MediaItem, secondary="channel_items",
>>>>> order_by=MediaItem.position, backref="channels")
>>>>> I have a list of channels, but they are detached objects. I get them
>>>>> using joinedload option because I maniputale those objects sometimes.
>>>>> When I do that, I update the object.
>>>>> This time, I'm trying to add a new item to a detached channel object.
>>>>> This is the code:
>>>>>    def insertXML(channels, strXml):
>>>>>            """Insert a new channel given XML string"""
>>>>>            channel = Channel()
>>>>>            session = rdb.Session()
>>>>>            result = ""
>>>>>            channel.fromXML(strXml)
>>>>>            fillChannelTemplate(channel, channels)
>>>>>            if channel.id == 0:
>>>>>                    session.add(channel)
>>>>>                    session.flush()
>>>>>                    channels.append(channel)
>>>>>            else:
>>>>>                    for chan in channels:
>>>>>                            if chan.id == channel.id:
>>>>>                                    chan.runtime = channel.runtime
>>>>>                                    chan.modified = datetime.date.today()
>>>>>                                    for item in channel.items:
>>>>>                                            if item.id == 0:
>>>>>                                                    chan.items.append(item)
>>>>>                    session.merge(chan)
>>>>> The item is inserted in the database, but It doesn't create the
>>>>> relation in channel_items.
>>>>> Besides, I get this error:
>>>>> FlushError: New instance <Channel at 0xb75eeec> with identity key
>>>>> (<class 'zeppelinlib.channel.ChannelTest.Channel'>, (152,)) conflicts
>>>>> with persistent instance <Channel at 0xb598dec
>>>> anytime you have that error you should be using merge() to merge state 
>>>> into that which is already existing, the return value from merge() is then 
>>>> what you need to use for your new state.   I see you tried using merge 
>>>> earlier but your issue is not clear.
>>> --
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