On Sep 19, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Randall Nortman wrote:

> Unfortunately, the isolation_level parameter to pysqlite2 only
> controls the type of BEGIN issued, not when it is issued (I just
> tested to be sure).  It still waits until there is an INSERT/UPDATE/
> DELETE to begin the transaction.  I expect the semantics of
> serializable transactions to mean the transaction begins also with a
> SELECT.  The vast majority of database operations, I'd wager, begin
> with a SELECT.

certainly.   The pysqlite connection should be in a transaction immediately.  
this is what all the other DBAPIs do.

> Call this a bug in pysqlite2 if you like,

I think this is a bug in Pysqlite2.    I can reproduce it with sqlite3 

> though the DBAPI spec seems
> to be silent on when transactions are started, so I think the
> developers will defend their choice.  

I think you should give it a try, the Pysqlite folks are very on top of things 
and really want to do things correctly, and this is a case of them doing 
plainly the wrong thing for serializable isolation.   SQLA really, really 
doesn't want to get into correcting DBAPI behavior.   I've attached a test case 
for you to post on their tracker at 
http://code.google.com/p/pysqlite/issues/list .

> (I don't see where the spec says
> that a DBAPI connection is always in a transaction.)  

Well, that you can't/shouldn't call "BEGIN" is implied by this paragraph, 
though weakly, but isn't specific about isolation.    I also bet if you emailed 
the DB-SIG list, they'd be interested in this detail.
            Commit any pending transaction to the database. Note that
            if the database supports an auto-commit feature, this must
            be initially off. An interface method may be provided to
            turn it back on.
> SA can provide
> the behavior I want simply by implementing do_begin in SQLiteDialect
> as a one-liner: connection.execute("BEGIN").

I'd much rather hear the rationale from the Pysqlite folks why they have 
specifically chosen not to do this, and get their advice on what we should be 
doing.    Your above sentence can be restated as "pysqlite2 can provide the 
behavior I want simply by moving auto-begin after any non-DML statement, not 
just INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, a [probable] one-liner".   Why SQLA's issue and not 

SQLAlchemy is heavily constructed around the "implicit BEGIN" paradigm of DBAPI 
and I'm not too comfortable making an exception in the case of one DBAPI that 
doesn't work like all the others.     I tried setting isolation_level=None and 
calling "BEGIN", commit(), rollback() explicitly, we get seven failures.    
Caling "COMMIT", "ROLLBACK" instead of the connection provided version and 
virtually all tests error out, so already strange that conn.commit() is doing 
something we don't see - even when isolation_level=None.

Without the isolation_level change, and just calling "BEGIN", things are 
"fine", but then again we don't have in depth testing of SQLite's transactional 
quirks...because ....its one of the very few things DBAPI allows us not to 
worry about !   If pysqilte could document, "hey its OK to call 'BEGIN' to 
delineate when the trans should be begin if pysqlite's auto-trans is too late", 
or if they could add a "begin()" call, or an option to just call BEGIN as soon 
as SELECT is issued, then we are good.    If they tell us to call "BEGIN" I'd 
probably add this as an option to the engine just to make sure the overall 
userbase isn't exposed to surprises (and also that I don't have to write a 
crapload of new tests).

> At the very least, I beg you, don't have the echo code output BEGIN if
> no BEGIN is being issued.  That had me barking up the wrong tree for
> many hours yesterday.  The echo feature is great for troubleshooting,
> but only if it doesn't lie!

Well we like that people are familiar with DBAPI and that it has no begin(), so 
with that knowledge it should be clear that SQLA's log message of "BEGIN" only 
represents when SQLA first starts using a DBAPI connection that has no existing 
transactional state, and that the DBAPI is expected to have done what it needs 
to ensure that a BEGIN has occurred.     The "BEGIN" message can say something 
like "BEGIN (implicit)" or "BEGIN (virtual)", "BEGIN (assumed that the DBAPI is 
doing this!)"  but you can be sure most people aren't going to know what the 
heck that means and you'll just have more people complaining.

I will gladly add documentation verbiage clarifying this where you think its 
appropriate.   Most likely on this page 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/connections.html .     If we are adding 
options to pysqlite then that's more verbiage that will be present in any case.

import sqlite3
import os

if os.path.exists("file.db"):
conn1 = sqlite3.connect("file.db")

c1 = conn1.cursor()

c1.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommitted=SERIALIZABLE")

c1.execute("""create table foo (id integer primary key, data varchar(30))""")
c1.execute("insert into foo(id, data) values (1, 'data1')")

c1 = conn1.cursor()
c1.execute("select * from foo where id=1")
row1 = c1.fetchone()

conn2 = sqlite3.connect("file.db")
c2 = conn2.cursor()

c2.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommitted=SERIALIZABLE")

# sqlite3 should be doing this automatically.
# when called, conn1's commit blocks
c2.execute("select * from foo where id=1")
row2 = c2.fetchone()

c1 = conn1.cursor()
c1.execute("update foo set data='data2'")

print "About to commit conn1..."

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