thanks for the help. it probably makes sense to alias the on-clause to
the query then, i just wasn't thinking in that way for some reason.

> So here you want to first call reset_joinpoint() before calling join() again.

tried this and got the same result (doesn't join/outerjoin reset the
join point by default anyway):

sess = Session()
AliasedA = orm.aliased(A)
q = sess.query(A)
q = q.join((AliasedA,
q = q.reset_joinpoint() # added
q = q.join((B, A.some_b)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_b))
print q

> use the separate orm.join() construct in conjunction with select_from()

started converting over to this but on a whim instead aliased all
joined targets *and* used that alias when specifying relations (as
well as in the relation chain passed to contains_eager).

it looks like that provides query.join/outerjoin enough information to
choose the desired lhs in the join clause.

updated example:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, MetaData, orm, Column,
Integer, ForeignKey, String
from sqlalchemy.interfaces import PoolListener

class Listener(PoolListener):
    def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record):
        dbapi_con.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON")

engine = create_engine(

Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)

metadata = MetaData()

c_table = Table(
    "c", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("c_data", String)

a_table = Table(
    "a", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("a_data", String),
    Column("c_id", ForeignKey(

assoc_table = Table(
    "assoc", metadata,
    Column("left_id", ForeignKey(,
    Column("right_id", ForeignKey(

b_table = Table(
    "b", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("a_id", ForeignKey(,
    Column("b_data", String)

class C(object):
    def apply_relations(q, spec, parent, chain):
        for name, sub_spec in spec.iteritems():
            raise ValueError("Invalid relation '%s'" % name)
        return q
orm.mapper(C, c_table)

class B(object):
    def apply_relations(q, spec, parent, chain):
        for name, sub_spec in spec.iteritems():
            raise ValueError("Invalid relation '%s'" % name)
        return q
orm.mapper(B, b_table)

class A(object):
    def apply_relations(q, spec, parent, chain):
        for name, sub_spec in spec.iteritems():
            if name == "some_a":
                AliasA = orm.aliased(A)
                q = q.outerjoin((AliasA,
parent.some_a)).options(orm.contains_eager(*chain, alias=AliasA))
                q = A.apply_relations(q, sub_spec, AliasA, chain)
                del chain[-1]
            elif name == "some_b":
                AliasB = orm.aliased(B)
                q = q.outerjoin((AliasB,
parent.some_b)).options(orm.contains_eager(*chain, alias=AliasB))
                q = B.apply_relations(q, sub_spec, AliasB, chain)
                del chain[-1]
            elif name == "c":
                AliasC = orm.aliased(C)
                q = q.outerjoin((AliasC,
parent.c)).options(orm.contains_eager(*chain, alias=AliasC))
                q = C.apply_relations(q, sub_spec, AliasC, chain)
                del chain[-1]
                raise ValueError("Invalid relation '%s'" % name)
        return q
    A, a_table,
        "some_a": orm.relation(
                      secondaryjoin=assoc_table.c.right_id ==,
        "some_b": orm.relation(
                      primaryjoin=b_table.c.a_id ==,
        "c": orm.relation(C)

relation_spec = {
    "some_a": {
        "c": {
        "some_b": {
        "some_a": {
            "some_a": {
                "c": {
            "some_b": {
    "some_b": {
    "c": {

sess = Session()
q = sess.query(A)
q = A.apply_relations(q, relation_spec, A, [])

#q = sess.query(A)
#AliasedA1 = orm.aliased(A)
#q = q.join((AliasedA1,
A.some_a)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_a, alias=AliasedA1))
#AliasedA1C1 = orm.aliased(C)
#q = q.join((AliasedA1C1,
AliasedA1.c)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_a, AliasedA1.c,
#AliasedA1B1 = orm.aliased(B)
#q = q.join((AliasedA1B1,
AliasedA1.some_b, alias=AliasedA1B1))
#AliasedA1A1 = orm.aliased(A)
#q = q.join((AliasedA1A1,
AliasedA1.some_a, alias=AliasedA1A1))
#AliasedB1 = orm.aliased(B)
#q = q.join((AliasedB1,
A.some_b)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_b, alias=AliasedB1))

print q

On Sep 20, 7:56 am, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Sep 19, 2010, at 11:59 PM, me wrote:
> > when i apply multiple joins to orm query, one of them self-referring,
> > using (target, property) form sqla generates the "wrong" join criteria
> > by selecting aliased table for the left side of the join.
> > sess = Session()
> > AliasedA = orm.aliased(A)
> > q = sess.query(A)
> > q = q.join((AliasedA, A.some_a)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_a,
> > alias=AliasedA))
> > q = q.join((B, A.some_b)).options(orm.contains_eager(A.some_b))
> > print q
> > -->
> > AS b_id, b.a_id AS b_a_id, b.b_data AS b_b_data,
> > AS a_1_id, a_1.a_data AS a_1_a_data,
> > AS a_id, a.a_data AS a_a_data
> > FROM a
> >    JOIN assoc AS assoc_1 ON = assoc_1.left_id
> >    JOIN a AS a_1 ON assoc_1.right_id =
> >    JOIN b ON b.a_id =
> > ========================
> > here i expected "JOIN b ON b.a_id =" not "JOIN b ON b.a_id =
> >".
> This one is fun.   join() always joins from the most recent FROM that it can. 
>  So here you want to first call reset_joinpoint() before calling join() 
> again.     The other "traditional" way is to use the separate orm.join() 
> construct in conjunction with select_from(), though we are continuing to 
> refine join() so that wont be needed (I eventually would like it to allow 
> (left, right, onclause)...but we need to get everyone on a modernized calling 
> form first).
> > perhaps weight relations so that those that introduce alias are
> > applied in right order?
> interesting....but this is really a 50/50 guess.   Its just as likely someone 
> really meant to join from AliasedA to B.  

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