On Sep 27, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Jason Baker wrote:

> On Sep 24, 7:09 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> If you have a stringified date format that you'd like to pass to SQL 
>> statements as values, such that the string is parsed into a datetime then 
>> passed to the DBAPI, just use TypeDecorator around 
>> DateTime:http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/types.html?highlight=typedecorato...
> Yeah, but I can't make reflection use the TypeDecorator subclass
> instead of DATETIME can I?  I can think of two options:
> 1.  Go through each reflected table and replace each DATETIME type
> with a TypeDecorator subclass.
> 2.  Find all of the DATETIME columns, and implement a preprocessing
> step for all of them.  So whenever I encounter a DATETIME value, I'd
> convert it from a string into a Python datetime before passing it into
> insert/update.
> I don't necessarily like either of these options as I was hoping to
> not have my code have to deal with these kinds of typing issues, but I
> might be out of luck.

we'd like to add a feature at some point so that reflection is passed a map of 
types so that this can be customized.   However its not public API we've 
formulated yet and its not something I want to tack on casually.    So at the 
moment you'd need to populate engine.dialect.ischema_names, which is where the 
mapping of reflection name-> type is present.

> One other idea though:  is there any way to use the compiler extension
> to do this?  For instance, could I add a @compiles function that
> basically says "if this is a datetime column then do this else do
> whatever is done by default for columns"?  The type compilation
> capability almost does what I want, except it's for DDL rather than
> DML.

@compiles is just going to change what rendered SQL looks like.    I don't see 
a path at the moment for how this would help, at the very least you'd need to 
write a parsing function on the SQL side and then somehow get that to be 
rendered with your string argument, probably not what you're looking for.

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