Thank you for your fast reply and bug fix. I will test this tonight.



On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> this is a bug, ticket #1930, fixed in r36755ba72782.   Note that a similar 
> issue exists for joined table inheritance, and a scheme like the below will 
> continue to fail if __tablename__ is added to subclasses (this is ticket 
> #1931).   The specific "scheme" is that the attribute name of the column in 
> the mixin does not match the column name itself.
> On Sep 28, 2010, at 12:06 PM, Julien Iguchi-Cartigny wrote:
>> Hello Michael,
>> Sorry I missing something but still trap in this problem.
>> As far as I am:
>> class AbstractContainer(Base,AbstractNamed):
>>    __tablename__ = 'CM_MEMBER_CONTAINER_T'
>>    id = Column('MEMBER_CONTAINER_ID',Integer,primary_key=True)
>>    discriminator = Column('CLASS_DISCR', String(100))
>>    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': discriminator }
>> class CourseSet(AbstractContainer):
>>   �...@classproperty
>>    def __mapper_args__(self):
>>        args = dict()
>>        args.update(AbstractContainer.__mapper_args__)
>>        args.update({'polymorphic_identity':
>> 'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CourseSetCmImpl'})
>>        return args
>> The inheritance pass is : Course <- AbstractContainer <- AbstractNamed
>> <- AbstractPersistence  (see my first email for the definitions of the
>> last two classes).
>> Still having some trouble:
>> sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Column 'VERSION' on class <class
>> '__main__.CourseSet'> conflicts with existing column
>> It I understand correctly, AbstractContainer has already mapped all
>> columns declared in parent classes. So CourseSet tries to remap
>> everything (it herits from Base) but it fails because all column are
>> already mapped.
>> So I must say something like "hey, let just reuse mapping and table
>> definitions from AbstractContainer" but how can i do this ?
>> It seems it is very simple from the POV of the documentation, so I
>> must deduce the problem comes from the multiple inheritance.
>> Cheers,
>> Julien.
>> PS: This is the full listing of my code:
>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, String, Date, Integer
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import has_inherited_table
>> from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
>> engine = create_engine(
>>    'mysql://xxx:y...@localhost:3306/zzz?charset=utf8&use_unicode=0',
>>    pool_recycle=3600, echo=True)
>> Base = declarative_base()
>> class AbstractPersistent(object):
>>    version = Column('VERSION', Integer)
>>    last_modified_by = Column('LAST_MODIFIED_BY', String(255))
>>    last_modified_date = Column('LAST_MODIFIED_DATE', Date)
>>    created_by = Column('CREATED_BY', String(255))
>>    created_date = Column('CREATED_DATE', Date)
>>    def __repr__(self):
>>        return "<AbstractPersistent('%s','%s', '%s','%s','%s')>" % \
>>            (self.version, self.last_modified_by,
>> self.last_modified_date,
>>            self.created_by, self.created_date)
>> class AbstractNamed(AbstractPersistent):
>>    eid = Column('ENTERPRISE_ID', String(255))
>>    title = Column('TITLE', String(255))
>>    description = Column('DESCRIPTION', String(255))
>>    def __repr__(self):
>>        return "<AbstractNamed('%s','%s', '%s')>" % \
>>            (self.eid, self.title, self.description) + \
>>                super(AbstractNamed, self).__repr__()
>> class AbstractContainer(Base,AbstractNamed):
>>    __tablename__ = 'CM_MEMBER_CONTAINER_T'
>>    id = Column('MEMBER_CONTAINER_ID',Integer,primary_key=True)
>>    discriminator = Column('CLASS_DISCR', String(100))
>>    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': discriminator }
>> class AcademicSession(Base,AbstractNamed):
>>    __tablename__ = 'CM_ACADEMIC_SESSION_T'
>>    id = Column('ACADEMIC_SESSION_ID',Integer,primary_key=True)
>>    start_date = Column('START_DATE', Date)
>>    end_date = Column('END_DATE', Date)
>>    def __repr__(self):
>>        return "<AcademicSession('%s','%s', '%s')>" % \
>>            (, self.start_date, self.end_date) + \
>>            super(AcademicSession, self).__repr__()
>> class CourseSet(AbstractContainer):
>>   �...@classproperty
>>    def __mapper_args__(self):
>>        args = dict()
>>        args.update(AbstractContainer.__mapper_args__)
>>        args.update({'polymorphic_identity':
>> 'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CourseSetCmImpl'})
>>        return args
>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>>    session = Session()
>>    academic_sessions = session.query(AcademicSession).all()
>>    print(academic_sessions)
>>    course_sets = session.query(CourseSet).all()
>>    print(course_sets)
>> On 27 sep, 23:55, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
>>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 5:10 PM, Julien Iguchi-Cartigny wrote:
>>>> But How can i do ? It seems i need to define the table in
>>>> AsbtractContainer but every time I've an error about already defined
>>>> column.
>>> Your original setup seems as though you'd like both CourseSet and 
>>> CanonicalCourse to be mapped to the same table using single table 
>>> inheritance.   Therefore they both must extend a class that is mapped to 
>>> the target table.   So in this case you'd like AbstractContainer to be 
>>> mapped, meaning the "Base" superclass should be moved from CourseSet and 
>>> CanonicalCourse onto AbstractContainer.
>>> You can then query for AbstractContainer subclasses using 
>>> session.query(AbstractContainer).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Julien.
>>>> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:30 PM, Michael Bayer
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Julien Iguchi-Cartigny wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Michael. This solves the problem and... shows a new one.
>>>>>> So this is my update CourseSet
>>>>>>  class CourseSet(Base,AbstractContainer):
>>>>>>     �...@classproperty
>>>>>>      def __mapper_args__(self):
>>>>>>          args = dict()
>>>>>>          args.update(AbstractContainer.__mapper_args__)
>>>>>>          args.update({'polymorphic_identity':
>>>>>> 'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CourseSetCmImpl'})
>>>>>>          return args
>>>>>> Because there is several discriminant values, I need to create other 
>>>>>> ones:
>>>>>> class CanonicalCourse(Base,AbstractContainer):
>>>>>>   �...@classproperty
>>>>>>    def __mapper_args__(self):
>>>>>>        args = dict()
>>>>>>        args.update(AbstractContainer.__mapper_args__)
>>>>>>        args.update({'polymorphic_identity':
>>>>>> 'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CanonicalCourseCmImpl'})
>>>>>>        return args
>>>>>> But this last one will fail, i've the following error message:
>>>>>> sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table 'CM_MEMBER_CONTAINER_T' is
>>>>>> already defined for this MetaData instance.  Specify
>>>>>> 'useexisting=True' to redefine options and columns on an existing
>>>>>> Table object.
>>>>>> I could use useexisting=True but i don't know if it's the right
>>>>>> solution. Any ideas ?
>>>>> that has to do with a Table() statement, or alternatively how you are 
>>>>> configuring __table_name__, neither of which are indicated here, so you 
>>>>> need to ensure that distinct table names are used whenever a table name 
>>>>> is declared.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Julien.
>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Michael Bayer 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Julien Iguchi-Cartigny wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to use polymorphic_on with several inheritances:
>>>>>>>>    engine = create_engine(
>>>>>>>> 'mysql://xxx:y...@localhost:3306/zzz?charset=utf8&use_unicode=0',
>>>>>>>>        pool_recycle=3600, echo=True)
>>>>>>>>    Base = declarative_base()
>>>>>>>>    class AbstractPersistent(object):
>>>>>>>>        version = Column('VERSION', Integer)
>>>>>>>>        last_modified_by = Column('LAST_MODIFIED_BY', String(255))
>>>>>>>>        last_modified_date = Column('LAST_MODIFIED_DATE', Date)
>>>>>>>>        created_by = Column('CREATED_BY', String(255))
>>>>>>>>        created_date = Column('CREATED_DATE', Date)
>>>>>>>>    class AbstractNamed(AbstractPersistent):
>>>>>>>>        eid = Column('ENTERPRISE_ID', String(255))
>>>>>>>>        title = Column('TITLE', String(255))
>>>>>>>>        description = Column('DESCRIPTION', String(255))
>>>>>>>>    class AbstractContainer(AbstractNamed):
>>>>>>>>        __tablename__ = 'CM_MEMBER_CONTAINER_T'
>>>>>>>>        id = Column('MEMBER_CONTAINER_ID',Integer,primary_key=True)
>>>>>>>>        discriminator = Column('CLASS_DISCR', String(100))
>>>>>>>>        __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': discriminator }
>>>>>>>>    class CourseSet(Base,AbstractContainer):
>>>>>>>>        __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity':
>>>>>>>> 'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CourseSetCmImpl'}
>>>>>>> AbstractContainer is not mapped, its a mixin, so its __mapper_args__ 
>>>>>>> are not used until a subclass of Base is invoked, which starts up a 
>>>>>>> declarative mapping.  Your only mapped class then is CourseSet, which 
>>>>>>> has its own __mapper_args__ , that override those of AbstractContainer 
>>>>>>> - they are ignored.
>>>>>>> To combine __mapper_args__ from a mapped class with those of a mixin, 
>>>>>>> see the example 
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>   It uses __table_args__ but the same concept of creating a full 
>>>>>>> dictionary of arguments applies for __mapper_args__ as well.
>>>>>>> --
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