
I am new to SqlAlchemy and like it very much.

I want to use it on a pretty acient database schema, wich has prefixed
all column names with a unique prefix for that table.


address_table = Table('a_address', metadata,
        Column('A_ID', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('A_VAT_ID', Integer), # TODO: link entries
        Column('A_C_ID', Integer),
        Column('A_Company_A_ID', Integer),
        Column('A_P_ID', Integer),
        Column('A_LOC_ID', Integer,
        Column('A_VC_ID', Integer),
        Column('A_Descr', String(50)),
        Column('A_Name', String(100)),
        Column('A_Name2', String(100)),
        Column('A_Department', String),
        Column('A_Street', String),
        Column('A_ZipCode', String(20)),
        Column('A_City', String(50)),
        Column('A_State', String(50)),
        Column('A_PObox', String(20)),
        Column('A_POboxZipCode', String(20)),
        Column('A_POboxCity', String(50)),
        Column('A_TelPrefix', String(30)),
        Column('A_TelExt', String(10)),
        Column('A_Tel2', String(50)),
        Column('A_FaxPrefix', String(30)),
        Column('A_FaxExt', String(10)),
        Column('A_Fax2', String(50)),
        Column('A_Mobile', String(50)),
        Column('A_EMail', String(80)),
        Column('A_VATID', String(30)),
        Column('A_LastSeen', Date),
        Column('A_Timestamp', DateTime),

When I now map a class to the table like:

class Address(object):

mapper(Address, address_table)

It now does the expected and maps all the 'A_*' fields into the class.
My question now is, whether it is possible, to automatically remove
(or create additional properties) the 'A_' prefix of the created
properties and transform the all to lowercase. So that e.g. a city or
street property would be available and be mapped to the correspoinding

Sorry, if this question seems noobish, but I just want to avoid
redundant typing of all the fields...


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