On Sep 30, 2010, at 10:26 AM, dobrysmak wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I keep getting this message:
> [paste.httpserver.ThreadPool] kill_hung_threads status: 10 threads (1
> working, 9 idle, 0 starting) ave time 0.03sec, max time 0.03sec,
> killed 0 workers
> Do I have to close a connection every time i'm querying the db?

I don't think that message is related to database connections.       With 
normal connection pool usage connections aren't "closed", they're just sitting 
in a pool, and as long as you stick to the plan at 
 , resources are released at the end of a request, or if an exception is raised 
(by removing within finally:).

If you had requests that were hung, a database like PG would show "idle in 
transaction" for long spans of time in your process listing.   Or you could use 
pg_stat_activity to see this.

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