 ol.type = data['type'],
 print type(data['type'])

returns str

 print ol.__dict__


{u'has_tire_shop': (False,), u'gps_lat': ('2',), '_sa_instance_state':
<sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x7fcc6002b0d0>,
u'name': ('2',), u'has_fitness': (False,), u'has_another': '',
u'has_cafe': (False,), u'has_restaurant': (False,), u'has_canteen':
(False,), u'has_payment_terminal': (False,), u'has_bank': (False,),
u'has_parking': (False,), u'address': ('2',), u'has_minibank':
(False,), u'has_car_washer': (False,), u'gps_lng': ('2',), u'type':
('office',), u'_class': ('A',), u'has_beauty_salon': (False,)}

On Oct 1, 2:19 am, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> dont send tuples as bind parameters for scalar attributes.   one or more 
> members of your "data" dictionary are tuples.
> On Sep 30, 2010, at 6:12 PM, phasma wrote:
> > If add to sqlalchemy/orm/ at 1699 line this code:
> >                            if isinstance(value, tuple):
> >                                value = value[0]
> > Insert works correctly.
> > On Sep 30, 9:31 pm, phasma <> wrote:
> >> Hi.
> >> I've got autoloadable table:
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>  ----
> >> class ObjectList(object):
> >>         pass
> >> ....
> >> t_object_list = sa.Table('object_list', meta.metadata, autoload=True,
> >> autoload_with=engine)
> >> orm.mapper(ObjectList, t_object_list)
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>  -----
> >> And when I'm trying insert data:
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>  -----
> >>         ol = ObjectList()
> >>         ol.type = data['type'],
> >> = data['name'],
> >>         ol.address = data['address'],
> >>         ol.gps_lat = data['gps_lat'],
> >>         ol.gps_lng = data['gps_lng'],
> >>         ol._class = data['class'],
> >>         ol.has_parking = data['has_parking'],
> >>         ol.has_canteen = data['has_canteen'],
> >>         ol.has_cafe = data['has_cafe'],
> >>         ol.has_restaurant = data['has_restaurant'],
> >>         ol.has_fitness = data['has_fitness'],
> >>         ol.has_beauty_salon = data['has_beauty_salon'],
> >>         ol.has_tire_shop = data['has_tire_shop'],
> >>         ol.has_car_washer = data['has_car_washer'],
> >>         ol.has_bank = data['has_bank'],
> >>         ol.has_minibank = data['has_minibank'],
> >>         ol.has_payment_terminal = data['has_payment_terminal'],
> >>         ol.has_another = data['has_another']
> >>         meta.Session.add(ol)
> >>         meta.Session.commit()
> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> I've got error:
> >> ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) (1064, 'You have an error in your
> >> SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
> >> version for the right syntax to use near \'), ("\'1\'",), ("\'1\'",),
> >> ("\'1\'",), ("\'1\'",), ("\'A\'",), (\'0\',), (\'0\',), (\'0\',),
> >> (\'0\' at line 1') 'INSERT INTO object_list (type, name, address,
> >> gps_lat, gps_lng, _class, has_parking, has_canteen, has_cafe,
> >> has_restaurant, has_fitness, has_beauty_salon, has_tire_shop,
> >> has_car_washer, has_bank, has_minibank, has_payment_terminal,
> >> has_another) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,
> >> %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' (('office',), ('1',)) ... and a total of 18
> >> bound parameter sets
> >> Where is problems ?
> > --
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> > "sqlalchemy" group.
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