you need to specify primaryjoin and secondary join when you do self ref using 
m2m.   there's an example at the end of
 , as well as some variants of that syntax which declarative introduces.

On Sep 30, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Julien Iguchi-Cartigny wrote:

> Hi,
> I've two classes CourseSet and CanonicalCourse (with the same parent)
> which need to be connected in a many-to-many relationship.  But these
> classes are mapped on the same table,  thus definition of the
> association table seems redondant:
> assoc_course_set_canonical_table = Table(
>    'CM_COURSE_SET_CANON_ASSOC_T', Base.metadata,
>    Column('CANON_COURSE', Integer,
>    Column('COURSE_SET', Integer,
> )
> But i can't define the relationship between. I've the error:
> Could not determine join condition between parent/child tables on
> relationship CourseSet.canonicalCourses.  Specify a 'primaryjoin'
> expression.  If 'secondary' is present, 'secondaryjoin' is needed as
> well.
> I must have miss something: i've tried several possibilities with
> primaryjoin and secondaryjoin but nothing work. Is it because i'm
> refering at the same foreign key in the associative table ?
> Thank you.
> Julien.
> PS: The code for my two classes ('#' comments the two lines with the problem)
> class CourseSet(AbstractContainer):
>    parent_id = Column('PARENT_COURSE_SET', Integer,
>    children = relationship("CourseSet", backref=backref('parent',
>        remote_side=AbstractContainer.eid))
> #    canonicalCourses = relationship("CanonicalCourse",
> #        secondary="assoc_course_set_canonical_table")
>    @classproperty
>    def __mapper_args__(self):
>        args = dict()
>        args.update(AbstractContainer.__mapper_args__)
>        args.update({'polymorphic_identity':
>            'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CourseSetCmImpl'})
>        return args
> class CanonicalCourse(AbstractContainer):
>    @classproperty
>    def __mapper_args__(self):
>        args = dict()
>        args.update(AbstractContainer.__mapper_args__)
>        args.update({'polymorphic_identity':
>            'org.sakaiproject.coursemanagement.impl.CanonicalCourseCmImpl'})
>        return args
> PS: the parents of these classes:
> class AbstractPersistent(object):
>    version = Column('VERSION', Integer)
>    last_modified_by = Column('LAST_MODIFIED_BY', String(255))
>    last_modified_date = Column('LAST_MODIFIED_DATE', Date)
>    created_by = Column('CREATED_BY', String(255))
>    created_date = Column('CREATED_DATE', Date)
> class AbstractNamed(AbstractPersistent):
>    eid = Column('ENTERPRISE_ID', String(255))
>    title = Column('TITLE', String(255))
>    description = Column('DESCRIPTION', String(255))
> class AbstractContainer(Base,AbstractNamed):
>    __tablename__ = 'CM_MEMBER_CONTAINER_T'
>    id = Column('MEMBER_CONTAINER_ID',Integer,primary_key=True)
>    discriminator = Column('CLASS_DISCR', String(100))
>    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': discriminator }
> -- 
> "Trouble-a-cat limited"
> -- 
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