On Oct 14, 2010, at 4:38 AM, Julien Demoor wrote:

> Thanks for your reply. 
> What you propose would work for me, but in the meantime I need a workaround.

If you need that exact pattern to work, build a TypeDecorator around ARRAY and 
have it return a tuple around the result.

TypeDecorator is described at: 

The SQLAlchemy type is always involved in between where psycopg2 returns data 
and where unique_list() is called.

As far as changing Query, the unique_list() is what makes it such that if you 
load a Parent object with many Child objects in a joined-load collection, you 
get just one Parent and not the same Parent for as many Child objects as are in 
the result set.

> I thought of serializing the arrays in SQL, then converting back to tuples
> in my code, but the objects contained in the arrays are quite complex to
> parse (decimals, datetims...). So I tried patching the ARRAY class to return
> tuples when mutable=False, and that had no effect. If I understand
> correctly, by the time unique_list() is called, ARRAY hasn't been involved
> yet, and the database's array is converted to a Python list by the driver
> (psycopg2 in my case).
> The workaround I've found is to make the following change, in
> sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.instances :
> if filtered:
>    #if single_entity:
>    #    filter = lambda x: util.unique_list(x, util.IdentitySet)
>    #else:
>    #    filter = util.unique_list
>    filter = lambda x: util.unique_list(x, util.IdentitySet)
> Should I expect negative side-effects from this?
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalch...@googlegroups.com] De la
> part de Michael Bayer
> Envoyé : mercredi 13 octobre 2010 23:37
> À : sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> Objet : Re: [sqlalchemy] Cannot retrieve PostgreSQL array column with
> session.query() : TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
> The Query runs the result through unique_list() anytime there are mapped
> entities in the columns list.   The ARRAY result, returning a Python list
> [],  isn't hashable, so thats that.
> If you only queried for columns, it wouldn't be running through
> unique_list().
> I suppose we'd modify ARRAY to return tuples if it's "mutable" flag isn't
> set.   that could only be in 0.7, though.  Let me know if that works for
> you, we'll add a ticket (hard for me to say since I never use the ARRAY
> type).
> On Oct 13, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Julien Demoor wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The problem I'm seeing is illustrated by the code below. I tried a
>> workaround using TypeDecorator with process_result_value returning a
>> tuple rather than a list, to no avail.
>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Regards.
>> Traceback :
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "satest2.py", line 23, in <module>
>>   session.query(Foo, 'col').from_statement("SELECT 55 AS foo_bar,
>> '{1,2,3}'::integer[] AS col;").first()
>> File "/home/user/programs/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/
>> orm/query.py", line 1494, in first
>>   ret = list(self)[0:1]
>> File "/home/user/programs/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/
>> orm/query.py", line 1682, in instances
>>   rows = filter(rows)
>> File "/home/jdemoor/programs/km/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
>> sqlalchemy/util.py", line 1193, in unique_list
>>   return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
>> TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
>> Full code :
>> import os
>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Integer, MetaData, Column
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session, mapper
>> sa_engine = create_engine(os.environ['TEST_DSN'])
>> session = create_session(sa_engine, autoflush=True,
>> expire_on_commit=True, autocommit=False)
>> metadata = MetaData()
>> foo = Table('foo', metadata, Column('bar', Integer, primary_key=True))
>> class Foo(object):
>>      pass
>> mapper(Foo, foo)
>> # This works
>> assert session.query('col').from_statement("SELECT 'abc' AS
>> col;").first() == ('abc',)
>> assert session.query('col').from_statement("SELECT
>> '{1,2,3}'::integer[] AS col;").first() == ([1,2,3],)
>> assert session.query('col1', 'col2').from_statement("SELECT
>> '{1,2,3}'::integer[] AS col1, 'abc' AS col2;").first() == ([1,2,3],
>> 'abc')
>> foo_obj = session.query(Foo).from_statement("SELECT 1 AS
>> foo_bar;").first()
>> assert foo_obj.bar == 1
>> try:
>>      # This fails
>>      session.query(Foo, 'col').from_statement("SELECT 55 AS foo_bar,
>> '{1,2,3}'::integer[] AS col;").first()
>> except TypeError, e:
>>      print e
>> from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base import ARRAY
>> col = Column('col', ARRAY(Integer, mutable=False))
>> try:
>>      # This fails too
>>      session.query(Foo, col).from_statement("SELECT 55 AS foo_bar,
>> '{1,2,3}'::integer[] AS col;").first()
>> except TypeError, e:
>>      print e
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