Did you try :

qry = qry.outerjoin(Appointment.person).filter(Appointment.id == None) ?

I have the intuition that sqlalchemy can guess on what foreign keys the join 
should operate based on how you declared your relations.

What about (if Person.appointments exists):

qry = qry.outerjoin(Person.appointments).filter(Appointment.id == None) ?

I don't think you'd have the same results (join order matters).


--- On Wed, 10/20/10, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:

From: Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com>
Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] Checking the availablity of a booked Item
To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 8:27 AM

Here is an example of how I use outerjoin to perform a similar query.

<class Survey, def get_apps(self):>
Get all persons who are over 18 and do not have an appointment but have this 

qry = Person.query.filter(Person.age > 18)

qry = qry.outerjoin((Appointment,
                            (Appointment.id_person == Person.id)
                            &(Appointment.id_survey == self.id))). \

              filter(Appointment.id == None) #: Or != None, depending on the 
type of join.

#: I go and append a few more outer joins here as well,# but they look exactly 
the same just different tables.

The syntax of the outerjoin arguments is a tuple containing (<Table to join 
to>, <whereclause to join on>).

Hopefully this helps you. Basically, I just look at the coding horror site for 
the kind of join I want to perform, and modify the syntax above to make it 
match the SQL.


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:38 AM, chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com> 


I think outerjoin is just a join with an isouter = True, and above all the 
problem was not there anyway. The problem was only about ordering the joins. 
The correct python code was :


instead of


Which looks more intuitive to me, because I'm doing joins between Face and 
Booking (thus putting Booking in the outerjoin, not Face again as in the first 
code). I can't understand the logic of the (correct) first one, but it works ! 
Or is it two errors cancelling each other ?


--- On Thu, 10/14/10, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:

From: Thadeus
 Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com>
Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] Checking the availablity of a booked Item
To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com

Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 8:42 AM


isouter = True


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:26 AM, chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com> 

Here's the SQL I got : 

SELECT face.id AS face_id 

FROM face 
LEFT OUTER JOIN face_bookings__booking_faces AS face_bookings__booking_faces_1 
            ON face.id = face_bookings__booking_faces_1.face_id 


            ON booking.id = face_bookings__booking_faces_1.booking_id 
JOIN time_period ON booking.time_period_id = time_period.id 

      time_period.start_date > %(start_date_1)s 
      time_period.end_date < %(end_date_1)s

With the following code : 



    reprattr    =  "time_period"

 faces       = ManyToMany("Face")
    # A client has one and only one booking per time period

    time_period = ManyToOne("TimePeriod")


        Return faces that are not booked during the given time_period.

        from timeperiod import TimePeriod
        from face       import Face

        start_date_cond     = TimePeriod.start_date > time_period.end_date

        end_date_cond       = TimePeriod.end_date   < time_period.start_date

        unbooked            = or_(start_date_cond,end_date_cond)

        # query = 

        # return query.all()

        query =
        #return query.all()

        query = query.outerjoin(Face.bookings)
        #return query.all()

        query = query.join(Booking.time_period)
        return query.all()

And still not the expected results (it should return faces with no bookings at 
all but it doesen't).

Thanks for any help.


--- On Wed, 10/13/10, chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] Checking the availablity of a booked Item

To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 5:25 AM

Thank you Thadeus, I believe
 Face.query.filter(filter_cond).outerjoin(join_clause).all() does a full 
outerjoin, or is there another way to do it ?


--- On Wed, 10/13/10, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:

From: Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com>

Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] Checking the availablity of a booked Item

To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 12:04 AM

For outer joins you need a where clause on the joined tables.


Using a full outer join should return the expected results.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 1:41 PM, chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com> 


Here's my simple model (For simplification, consider Face as a Billboard) :

+-----+          +-----------+       +----------+

|Face |<......   |Campaign   |   ...>|TimePeriod|

+-----+      .   +-----------+   .   +----------+

|code |      .   |time_period|....   |start_time|

+-----+      .   +-----------+       +----------+

             ....|faces      |       |end_time  |

                 +-----------+       +----------+

One way to read this model is : A campaign can book multiple faces during a 
certain period of time.

What I want to do is get all the available Faces for a given period of time, to 
see what faces can I book for a new campaign that longs for that particular 
period of time. I would typically have a Face.get_available(time_period) class 
method that does the job. This method would look for all the faces that don't 
have an ongoing booking. My question is : how to write such a method ?

Here's how I figured it out (couldn't get it to work) :

class Face(Entity):



    def get_available(self,time_period):


        Return faces that are not booked (not in any campaign) during the given 


        # start_date_cond     = TimePeriod.start_date > time_period.end_date

        # end_date_cond       = TimePeriod.end_date   < time_period.start_date

        # available_periods   = 

        # unavailable_periods = not(available_periods)

        # I am pretty sure that the time conditions are good.

        # Here's a good way to convince yourself (read from bottom to top) :

        # L1                      

        # L2 ------------------------------------------|

        # L3 

        # L3 represents the desired period (passed as argument) going from "[" 
to "]"

        # place the start date of the booked face anywhere on L2

        # place the end date of the booked face anywhere on L1

        # of course, end date must be after start date...

        # Anyway you do it, your face isn't available for the period of time in 

        start_date_cond     = TimePeriod.start_date <= time_period.end_date

        end_date_cond       = TimePeriod.end_date   >= time_period.start_date

        unavailable_periods = 

        # I am not sure about what follows...

        filter_cond         = not_(unavailable_periods)

        join_clause         = Campaign.faces

        return Face.query.filter(filter_cond).outerjoin(join_clause).all()

This code returns only faces that have already been booked before or have a 
future booking, and are free for the moment. But faces with no bookings at all 
are not returned. This may be due to an incorrect outerjoin ? (I also tried a 
simple join with no success)

Here's the generated sql for one query :

2010-10-12 19:34:22,837 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...f4ec

SELECT faces.id AS faces_id

FROM campaigns LEFT OUTER JOIN campaigns_faces__faces AS 
campaigns_faces__faces_1 ON campaigns.id = campaigns_faces__faces_1.campaigns_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN faces ON faces.id = campaigns_faces__faces_1.faces_id


                  FROM time_periods

                  WHERE campaigns.time_period_id = time_periods.id

                  AND time_periods.start_date <= %(start_date_1)s

                  AND time_periods.end_date >= %(end_date_1)s))

2010-10-12 19:34:22,837 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...f4ec 
{'start_date_1': datetime.date(2010, 10, 30), 'end_date_1': datetime.date(2010, 
10, 20)}

[<Face id=1 at 0x932218c  >]

Any help would be very appreciated.


PS : and please, don't give me that lame "it's elixir" excuse. The question is 
about how to construct the proper query for the desired operation in a 
sqlalchemy way. Elixir is only another Declarative approach + mapping, that's 


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