Hey guys,

I have a problem when I import classes from one to another. I have
those classes in different modules:


from CRMContactInformation import CRMContactInformation

class CRM(rdb.Model):
        """Set up crm table in the database"""

        id = Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey("screens.id"),
        screen_id = Column("screen_id", Integer, )

        contactInformation = relationship(CRMContactInformation,
userlist=False, backref="crms")


from CRM import CRM

class CRMContactInformation(rdb.Model):
        """Set up crm contact information table in the database"""

        id = Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(CRM.id), primary_key=True)
        owner = Column("owner", String(50))

As you can see, I have a recursive problem because I import
CRMContactInformation in CRM and CRM in CRMContactInformation. I got
this error or similar:

“AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ”

I tried to change the imports importing the whole path. It didn't work
out either.

Is there any way I can use the metadata object to access the
attributes of the tables? or another way to solve this?

Thanks in advance!

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