On Oct 25, 2010, at 3:57 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On Oct 25, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Mark Erbaugh wrote:
>> Does SA maintain a usable unique identifier for newly added child records 
>> before the data is committed?
>> I have a mapping of a one-many relationship using a foreign key. The detail 
>> (many side) records are in an instrumented list. I need to relate the items 
>> in this list to rows in an user interface object (a ttk.Treeview object). 
>> The detail table has a primary key that is maintained by SA, but until the 
>> data graph has been committed to the database, the corresponding fields 
>> detail objects are None.
>> I can't just use the position of the detail item in the instrumented list 
>> because it is possible that the user can add and delete rows. The Treeview 
>> object does not re-use row identifiers for rows that have been deleted, so 
>> after the user has added and deleted detail rows, the Treeview rows will not 
>> match the instrumented list rows.
> the ORM uses Python object identity to maintain associations before foreign 
> key / primary key identifiers are assigned.    So you could either associate 
> your user interface objects directly with the related objects, or with their 
> identity via a dictionary, otherwise if you need something that is durable 
> beyond the scope of a single Session you'd need to assign a unique identifier 
> (uuid.uuid4() is a good choice for this) or issue flush() so that primary key 
> ids are available.


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