Thank you Eric! It's good approach and I'm gonna keep it in mind. I
can get the data in hidden fields and just use the REST API to do

On Oct 29, 10:33 pm, Eric Ongerth <> wrote:
> I understand your question if you are getting different data from the
> server in the two database accesses.  But if you are loading the exact
> same data twice for a page load, you should try to eliminate that
> redundancy instead of finding a plan to perform the redundancy in the
> best way.
> If it's the identical data twice, then why not render it into the page
> when you are rendering the HTML... you can render hidden fields, CDATA
> sections, regions of javascript containing any data structure you
> need, etc.
> It's a confusing question because if it's two different DB requests
> then you wouldn't be inquiring about caching for this purpose, but if
> it's two identical DB requests I suspect you already would have
> realized that the data could easily be encoded in the original page
> render.
> On Oct 28, 4:22 pm, Alvaro Reinoso <> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > I have a doubt. I need to get the data from the sever twice every time
> > when I load a page, one to render the HTML and another one to get the
> > data for client side (javascript).
> > So I don't know exactly what it's the best way and fastest. I was
> > trying to implement a session object and store the data once using
> > joinedload loading technique. When the data is in the client side, to
> > kill the session object.
> > Another one it's to call the database twice.
> > I don't know which one is faster and better because I don't know if
> > the database or server stores the first call in memory. If so it's not
> > like to call the database twice, right?
> > And if the second choice is better which loading technique
> > (joinedload, eagerload or subqueryload) is better to use.
> > Every call could be a bunch of data.
> > Any help could be really useful.
> > Thanks in advance!

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