
I got a weird error when I try to create a new object. Before It
worked without any problem, but I got this error after adding a new
attribute to the User class. This attribute is related to Screen in a
relation many to many through user_screens. This is the error:

"InvalidRequestError: One or more mappers failed to compile. Exception
was probably suppressed within a hasattr() call. Message was: One or
more mappers failed to compile. Exception was probably suppressed
within a hasattr() call. Message was: Class
'zeppelinlib.screen.ScreenTest.Screen' is not mapped"

These are the classes:

    class Screen(rdb.Model):
        """Set up screens table in the database"""

        id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
        title = Column("title", String(100))
        ip = Column("ip", String(20))

    user_screens = Table(
                        Column("user_id", Integer, ForeignKey("users.id")),
                        Column("screen_id", Integer, ForeignKey("screens.id"))

    class User(rdb.Model):
        """Set up users table in the database"""

        id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
        name = Column("name", String(50))

        group = relationship("UserGroup", uselist=False)
        channels = relationship("Channel", secondary=user_channels,
order_by="Channel.titleView", backref="users")
        mediaGroups = relationship("MediaGroup",
secondary=user_media_groups, order_by="MediaGroup.title",
        screens = relationship("Screen", secondary=user_screens,

I might not added new relation to user because I really don't know
what the problem is...

Thanks in avance!

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