Hi *,

I am wondering if there is a way to generate an insert from select with
SQLAlchemy. Consider this code:

from sqlalchemy import *

engine = create_engine("sqlite:///demo.ldb", echo=True)

md = MetaData()
users = Table("users", md,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("name", String),
    Column("status", Integer))

engine.execute(users.insert().values(name="Joe Sixpack", status=1))
engine.execute(users.insert().values(name="Jane Citizen", status=1))

# insert from select?
# engine.execute(users.insert().values(
#      users.select([users.c.name]), status=2))

conn = engine.connect()
with conn.begin():
    for row in conn.execute(users.select()).fetchall():
            name=row["name"], status=2))

Is there a way to generate the "natural" SQL for this:

insert into users (name, status) select name, 2 as status from users

Basically I would like to tell SQLAlchemy to use a query to provide the
values for insert. StackOverflow says this can't be done, but I can't
believe that. :-)

Greetings, Torsten

DYNAmore Gesellschaft fuer Ingenieurdienstleistungen mbH
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