relationship() expects a class or a mapper instance, not a string. I
got this error:

ArgumentError: relationship 'available_deals' expects a class or a
mapper argument (received: <type 'str'>)

On Nov 10, 4:46 pm, "Sergey V." <> wrote:
> > The twist is that I've spread out my tables and ORM classes across
> > several files. I've tried to keep it so that I don't have circular
> > dependencies. That means I've defined Merchant first, and then Deal
> > later, in separate files
> To avoid problems with imports and dependencies you can pass strings
> to the relationship function instead of the actual classes:
> mapper(Deal, deals, properties=dict(
>       merchant=relationship('Merchant', backref='deals'),
>   ))
> This greatly simplifies everything if you split your classes into
> separate files.
> Regarding 'available_deals', 'deleted_deals' etc. - the approach with
> properties is sub-optimal. Consider a merchant having thousands of
> deals, only a few of which are available - the method would have to
> fetch all those deals only to discard most of them. Also, that won't
> work with eager loading. The optimal way would be to make SA to
> generate a query like "SELECT ... FROM Deals WHERE ... AND deleted=1"
> which would return only the records we're interested in. I'm sure it's
> possible but I'll leave it to you to find it in SA docs :) When you
> find it please post it here :)

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