I have an app where I think I'm going to want to use a TEMPORARY TABLE
like this:


and then do two things:

1. I need a select count(1) from that table
2. I need to be able to iterate over the rows in that table

The reason I am using a TEMPORARY table is that the result might be
quite large - potentially much too large for the client.
Right now I'm not using a temporary table - I am declaring a cursor
and a window function (COUNT(*) OVER ()...) and then removing the
resulting count row from the results before passing them on for
further processing. Sadly, I need the total result size before I
return any results. :-(

Anyway, the questions I have are concerned with table reflection:

1. is table reflection thread safe?
2. the only way I've found for reflecting a temporary table is this sequence:
  a. create table
  b. acquire temporary table namespace with: select nspname from
pg_namespace n where n.oid  = pg_my_temp_schema();
  c. reflect with schema=nspname from above
3. When I'm done, I always issue a ROLLBACK. What can I do to make
sure the MetaData "forgets" about this temporary table?


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