Hi again!

Sorry for all the questions, here is another one.

What I really would like to do is to read a chunk of data for a mapped
instance and disseminate that into a number of attributes (not the usual
one column <-> one attribute mapping). This could easily be done using
an orm.reconstructor.

Writing to that data triggers an internal flag which I would like the
ORM to take into account to detect that the instance is dirty (even
better: signal the ORM at the same time that it is dirty). During flush,
I would like to have a orm.deconstructor ;-) method run that collects
the data from the instance attributes for flushing it to the database.

I am far from having this implemented. I tried starting with a simple
example using the MutableType mixin:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, MutableType
import Image
import ImageEnhance
import numpy
from cStringIO import StringIO

engine = create_engine("sqlite:////tmp/test.db", echo=True)

class _ImageType(TypeDecorator):
    impl = LargeBinary
    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
        im = Image.fromarray(value)
        fakefile = StringIO()
        im.save(fakefile, 'png')
        return fakefile.getvalue()
    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
        fakefile = StringIO(value)
        return numpy.array(Image.open(fakefile))

class ImageType(MutableType, _ImageType):
    def copy_value(self, value):
        print "creating a copy"
        return numpy.copy(value)
    def compare_values(self, x, y):
        print "compare: {0} vs. {1}".format(id(x), id(y))
        result = (x == y).all()
        print "result: {0}".format(result)
        return result

metadata = MetaData()
image_table = Table("images", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("image", ImageType))

class StoredImage(object):
    def __init__(self, fname):
        self.image = numpy.array(Image.open(fname))

mapper(StoredImage, image_table)

Session = sessionmaker(engine)
session = Session()

images = session.query(StoredImage).all()
if images:
    for im in images:
        data = im.image
        for row in xrange(len(data)):
            for col in xrange(len(data[0])):
                r, g, b = data[row][col]
                data[row][col] = b, g, r
    # Image.fromarray(im.image).show()
    print "dirty", session.dirty
    im = StoredImage("/usr/share/backgrounds/Daisy.jpg")

This lacks almost everything that I really want:

o data is still in a single attribute
o no dirty flag handling, but full content comparison
o the comparison is run each time the ORM looks up its dirty instances.

Just pondering...


DYNAmore Gesellschaft fuer Ingenieurdienstleistungen mbH
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