On Thursday, November 25, 2010 01:41 am, Michael Bayer wrote 
> there might be some dictionary ordering dependencies in those tests, which
> will not behave consistently across platforms.
> if they fail with 0.6.5 as well, let me know and we'll file a ticket. 
> There aren't any 0.5 releases planned.

Thanks for the quick response. 
With 0.6.5 I didn't noticed this issue, but I need to use 0.5.x because of some 
I suspect dictionary ordering too, but it seems to be somewhere in statement 
compiler which I don't 
feel like to touch ;). I'll rather try to add some workaround in the tests.


> On Nov 24, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Martin Bacovsky wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to build SqlAlchemy 0.5.8 (Linux, python 2.7.0).
> > From time to time some of the tests fail.
> > 
> >  - the sources are always the same
> >  - so far the only affected tests were those testing compilation of
> >  statements with joined tables - the orderning of the tables in the from
> >  clause seems to be random - sometimes match the expected stmt sometimes
> >  not - it also seems that on different machines different tests tend to
> >  fail :O.
> > 
> > Excerpt from buildlog showing the behaviour is attached.
> > 
> > Does anyone have met this issue? Any idea how to deal with it?
> > 
> > For the sake of completeness I add that there was also test failing on
> > @profiling.function_call_count which I fixed by adding expected numbers
> > for python 2.7. But I don't expect it is related.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Martin
> > 
> > nosetests
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> > .......F.................................................................
> > .................................................
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: test.sql.test_select.SelectTest.test_binds
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 186, in
> >   runTest
> >   
> >     self.test(*self.arg)
> >   
> >   File
> >   "/builddir/build/BUILD/SQLAlchemy-0.5.8/lib/sqlalchemy/test/testing.py
> >   ", line 368, in safe
> >   
> >     return fn(*args, **kw)
> >   
> >   File "/builddir/build/BUILD/SQLAlchemy-0.5.8/test/sql/test_select.py",
> >   line 1193, in test_binds
> >   
> >     self.assert_compile(stmt, expected_named_stmt,
> >     params=expected_default_params_dict)
> >   
> >   File
> >   "/builddir/build/BUILD/SQLAlchemy-0.5.8/lib/sqlalchemy/test/testing.py
> >   ", line 562, in assert_compile
> >   
> >     eq_(cc, result, "%r != %r on dialect %r" % (cc, result, dialect))
> >   
> >   File
> >   "/builddir/build/BUILD/SQLAlchemy-0.5.8/lib/sqlalchemy/test/testing.py
> >   ", line 435, in eq_
> >   
> >     assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b)
> > 
> > AssertionError: 'SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description
> > FROM myothertable, mytable WHERE mytable.myid = :myid OR
> > myothertable.otherid = :myotherid' != 'SELECT mytable.myid,
> > mytable.name, mytable.description FROM mytable, myothertable WHERE
> > mytable.myid = :myid OR myothertable.otherid = :myotherid' on dialect
> > None -------------------- >> begin captured stdout <<
> > --------------------- SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description,
> > myothertable.otherid, myothertable.othername FROM mytable, myothertable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = myothertable.otherid AND mytable.name =
> > :mytablename{'mytablename': None} SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description,
> > myothertable.otherid, myothertable.othername FROM mytable, myothertable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = myothertable.otherid AND mytable.name =
> > ?{'mytablename': None} SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description
> > FROM mytable, myothertable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = :myid OR myothertable.otherid = :myid{'myid': None}
> > SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description
> > FROM mytable, myothertable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = ? OR myothertable.otherid = ?{'myid': None}
> > SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description FROM mytable,
> > myothertable WHERE mytable.myid = :myid OR myothertable.otherid =
> > :myid{'myid': None} SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description FROM mytable,
> > myothertable WHERE mytable.myid = ? OR myothertable.otherid = ?{'myid':
> > None} SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description
> > FROM mytable, myothertable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = :myid_1 OR myothertable.otherid = :myid_2{u'myid_2':
> > None, u'myid_1': None} SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description
> > FROM mytable, myothertable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = ? OR myothertable.otherid = ?{u'myid_2': None,
> > u'myid_1': None}
> > 
> > SQL String:
> > :test || 'hi'{'test': None}
> > 
> > SQL String:
> > ? || 'hi'{'test': None}
> > SQL String:
> > SELECT mytable.myid, mytable.name, mytable.description
> > FROM myothertable, mytable
> > WHERE mytable.myid = :myid OR myothertable.otherid = :myotherid{'myid':
> > 8, 'myotherid': 7} --------------------- >> end captured stdout <<
> > ----------------------
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Ran 1947 tests in 54.771s
> > FAILED (failures=1)

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