I ran into an issue where a query was returning a object where the relations
were stale.  It turned out that this is because inserting a row does not
update relations in identity map.  The basic issue looks like this:

        my_model = MyModel()
        assert len(my_model.related_models) == 0

        # Create a RelatedModel that is related to my_model
        related = self.RelatedModel(my_model_id=my_model.id)

        # This works
        related_models = session.query(RelatedModel).filter_by(my_model_id=
        assert len(related_models) == 1

        # This will issue a SQL query, but the related model that is
returned is ignored
        # NOTE: Test will pass if we remove my_model from the session
        my_model =
        assert len(my_model.related_models) == 1,

Note that this happens even if you are selected MyModel (instead of creating
it).  A full version of this test can be found here:

What is the proper way to deal with this issue?  It's not as simple as
simply adding the expunge because the operations are in independent parts of
my code (that part of the code that creates the related model does not know
about MyModel).  Thanks for any help!


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