Hi all,

I have this table:

class Comparation(Base):
        """Represents comparation between two post"""
        __tablename__ = "comparations"

        _id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
        _number = Column("number", Integer)
        _total = Column("total", Integer)
        _average = Column("average", Float)
        _postAId = Column("postA_id", Integer, ForeignKey("posts.id"))
        _postBId = Column("postB_id", Integer, ForeignKey("posts.id"))

        _postA = relationship("Post", uselist=False)
        _postB = relationship("Post", uselist=False)

It has two ForeignKeys pointing the same table, but it also has two
relationships related to those ForeignKeys. How can I relate _postAId
to _postA?

Thanks in advance!

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