Thank you for your quick reply!

I tried to change the method that grabs the user to:
def getByName(userName):
        retval = None
                retval = Database.session.query(User.User).filter(
                                User.User.userName== userName
        return retval

but it still doesn't seem to work.

Maybe it's a problem with threading... I setup the database (create
the tables, create and insert in the database a sample "test" user...)
using Google Chrome and I try to log in with Firefox. The database is
setup in one of the pages the server provides: I write as the address of the web page to load in
Chrome and when the page is rendered, the database is setup. After
that, I try to log in with the "test" user using Firefox and that's
when I get the "Error closing cursor: (2014, "Commands out of sync;
you can't run this command now")" I am using MySql administrator and
the values for that "test" user seem to be properly created properly.

Maybe when I create the database with Chrome Firefox doesn't "see" it properly?

To add a user, I have created a method "update" like this:

def update(user):
        if isinstance(user, User.User):
                                #User already exists in the database
                                #User is new
                raise TypeError("Received parameter %s of type %s when expecting
                                        %s" % (user, type(user), User.User))

When (from Chrome) I invoke the page that creates the database, a new
User() instance is created, with a few default values (userName =
test, for instance) and it's added to the database using this "update"
method (said user doesn't have an id, so it should be added using
add(user) ). Then I try to login with the user "test" from Firefox and
it breaks...

2010/12/23 Michael Bayer <>:
> On Dec 23, 2010, at 2:09 PM, Hector Blanco wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I am currently working with a webserver (Grok) that starts different
>> threads (automatically) for the requests that arrive to it.
>> The information is serialized in a MySQL database (which is acceded
>> through SqlAlchemy). The users' information is stored in that MySQL
>> database. The plugin that said server uses to check if a user is
>> logged in or not is called very often. The way it is programmed now
>> (I'll improve that in the future) is: it goes to the database, tries
>> to extract the user whose "username" matches with the logged (or the
>> one trying to log) one and checks if the password stored in the
>> database matches with the one provided by the user.
>> For some reason, if a user cancels the login process (hits Esc in his
>> browser) and tries to login again, something (I don't know what)
>> crashes:
>> 2010-12-23 13:45:50,841 WARNING [sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool.0x...5450]
>> Error closing cursor: (2014, "Commands out of sync; you can't run this
>> command now")
> If connection resources are returned to the pool via garbage collection, this 
> may happen in a distinct, deferred gc thread, producing errors like this.    
> It is common for web app servers to throw some kind of interruption exception 
> when the connection is unexpectedly closed.   The error is caught and logged 
> as a warning only and should be otherwise harmless.  If you could apply a 
> "finally:" block around connection interruption errors and cleanly close the 
> session, that would probably alleviate the warnings.
> --
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