On Jan 3, 2011, at 2:02 AM, Eric Ongerth wrote:

> So I tried my solution of deleting and then re-adding each object
> (row) in question.  Didn't work quite like that; instead I had to
> delete, make_transient(), and then re-add.  Still didn't quite work;
> for rows that had sa relationships via FKs to other tables, in order
> to avoid errors I had to give the objects thus related a similar
> treatment, calling make_transient() and then re-associating them.
> Lo and behold, for tables that fit that description it worked and the
> discriminator is set properly now.  But for the rest of the tables,
> those which did not have relationships that needed taking care of in
> that way to avoid errors, their rows still aren't getting the
> discriminator set.  I tried using "instance_state(obj).modified =
> True" on them before flush, but that didn't help either.  Still
> haven't found a solution for the rest of those.
> I don't mean to annoy you in persisting with this approach when it's
> not to your liking.   It's just that at this point I'm trying to work
> it all the way through in this manner just to come to a better
> understanding of the ORM's workings.

You can't set the discriminator column in 0.6 with the ORM.   The mapper will 
ignore it.   You need to forego the ORM or use 0.7.

> On Jan 2, 9:55 pm, Eric Ongerth <ericonge...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ah!  I did it again.  You may or may not remember I asked you a
>> different question yielding the same answer a couple of months ago!
>> I've got to put a stop to that trend.
>> To quote from your blog post:
>> ===
>> In fact, while this table scheme is exactly joined table inheritance,
>> and we could certainly go the "straight" route of creating an
>> Addressable base class and mapper from which the User and Order
>> classes/mappers derive, then creating the traditional SA "polymorphic
>> mapping" using UNION ALL (or whatever surprise 0.4 has in store) with
>> a relationship to Address, here we're going to do it differently.
>> Namely, because we are still going to look at this association as a
>> "cross-cutting concern" rather than an "is-a" relationship, and also
>> because SA's explicit inheritance features only support single
>> inheritance, and we'd rather not occupy the "inherits" slot with a
>> relationship that is at best a mixin, not an "is-a".
>> ===
>> I actually started modeling this exactly the way you're suggesting in
>> that post.  I added a "trackable_id" column to each of the six tables,
>> as a foreign key to a table of association objects.  But then I
>> reasoned as follows: (1) great, now I have two unique ID columns in
>> each of these tables and that's almost never a good thing.  (2) great,
>> now I'm going to have to add more program logic to explicitly create
>> an association object every time I add a row to any of these tables.
>> Clunky.
>> Your blog post shows how to fix problem (2) there with some very cool
>> python magic.  Ok, it's not even magic, it's clear enough.  But as
>> I've noticed before, I still haven't absorbed your level of comfort
>> with throwing that stuff around.  I understand it well enough, but
>> when I see underscores I start thinking "can't this be done another
>> way without wizardry"?
>> I suppose even that point is moot when I recognize that my solution
>> using inheritance actually calls upon a lot of very clever programming
>> within the guts of sqlalchemy.
>> Your most salient point of all, for me, is where you note that that
>> there's currently only one "slot" for inheritance and there isn't a
>> very strong case for occupying it with a cross-cutting concern that is
>> "at best a mix-in, not an 'is-a'. "
>> So now I'm curious, have you given much thought to advancing the
>> possibility of supporting multiple inheritance with SA's explicit
>> inheritance features?  Or is that just too dangerous (or just too much
>> of a pain to work out).  Or too tempting for people to brew up all
>> manner of ridiculous and unnecessary schema with it.
>> Thank you for your thoughts.
>> On Jan 2, 9:18 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>> On Jan 2, 2011, at 11:25 PM, Eric Ongerth wrote:
>>>> On Jan 2, 7:59 am, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>>> Curious here is what kind of scheme you have that requires a manual 
>>>>> setting of the discriminator.
>>>> Forgive me, I tried to indicate that it doesn't, this is just a one-
>>>> time thing I have to do to get this database fixed up.  Here's the
>>>> whole story in a nutshell.  I had six tables (person, company,
>>>> product, item, etc.) that had little to do with each other.
>>>> Eventually I decided that the objects symbolized by the rows in those
>>>> tables had a cross-cutting concern: I want to be able to attach action
>>>> tickets (sort of like in Trac) and notes to them.  The project I'm
>>>> working on has a certain limited amount of CRM/ERP type stuff as part
>>>> of its scope, thus tickets, notes, and so on.
>>>> So where these tables originally each had their own unique primary key
>>>> "id" columns, I realized that in order to be able to affix notes
>>>> equally to a person, a company, a product, etc., I wanted to have all
>>>> of these disparate tables pull their IDs from a common table holding a
>>>> single column, a column of "trackable object IDs".  Sort of like the
>>>> POID concept used for certain concerns 
>>>> inhttp://www.agiledata.org/essays/mappingObjects.html.
>>>> Seemed to me a simple way to make that work, without having to build a
>>>> bunch of ungainly trigger machinery, is make all of these tables
>>>> inherit from that common ID table; thus a joined table inheritance
>>>> setup.  I successfully scripted all of the changes necessary so that
>>>> instead of their old ID columns, each table's ID column now is still
>>>> its primary key but is also a foreign key to the common ID table.
>>> oh.   OK no, I wouldn't use "joined inheritance" for a "cross-cutting" 
>>> concern.  This is the polymorphic association pattern, which from a 
>>> database table perspective, looks the same in fact.   But the "cross 
>>> cutting" concern is modeled at the ORM level via relationship.  The blog 
>>> post is extremely old at this point but it should get the idea across:  
>>> http://techspot.zzzeek.org/2007/05/29/polymorphic-associations-with-s...
>>> Also if the question about "using the ORM or not" refers to just the 
>>> activity of migrating the data to the new structure, I'd possibly skip the 
>>> ORM for a migration, since its a single operation that has to work only 
>>> once.   It sort of depends on what seems more straightforward and also the 
>>> number of rows in play (if it were millions, the migration might need to be 
>>> composed entirely as SQL statements without any need to load into memory, 
>>> for example).
>>>> At that point I had sort of "Frankensteined" a joined-table
>>>> inheritance situation... I had managed to do all of the constraint
>>>> dropping and adding that was needed, I managed to keep all of the rows
>>>> in most of the tables (only had to rebuild some of them), and
>>>> everything was peachy.  Now a given ID of any row within any of these
>>>> six tables, is unique over all six of the tables.  Thus notes,
>>>> tickets, whatever other cross-cutting deals, can be attached to such
>>>> unique IDs or groups thereof.
>>>> The only remaining problem was that the parent table actually needs
>>>> more than just the ID column.  It needs the discriminator column if
>>>> I'm going to really handle this as joined-table inheritance.
>>>> Everything else is in place except the discriminator column is not set
>>>> for any of my existing rows that made it through this refactoring.
>>>> The new setup works perfectly for newly added people, companies,
>>>> items, products, etc... the ID is assigned and inherited, the
>>>> discriminator is assigned.  (Of course.)  But I need a way to get in
>>>> there and set the discriminator column for my _existing_ rows that
>>>> came through from before.
>>>> I suppose I could just go with Concrete Table inheritance, but the
>>>> added difficulties with relationships are less enticing.  Intuitively
>>>> the joined table idea seems to fit.
>>>> Should I just take a deep breath and get this done without the ORM?  I
>>>> appreciate your answer regarding pre-0.7 vs. 0.7 approaches, that's
>>>> the sort of stuff I was looking for when I went ahead and asked this
>>>> question rather than quietly working around it.
>>>> Your answer also just jogged my brain in a way that I failed to do
>>>> last night.  I could just delete and re-insert each of these pre-
>>>> existing rows that I need to fix up... now that's blindingly obvious.
>>>> I welcome any commentary, though, on the sanity or insanity of my
>>>> above paragraphs.  Sqlalchemy rocks...
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Eric
>>>>> On Jan 1, 2011, at 9:52 PM, Eric Ongerth wrote:
>>>>>> I must be doing something wrong but can't find it.
>>>>>> I'm doing some database refactoring and found a situation where I had
>>>>>> to set up a joined-table inheritance structure after the fact, with
>>>>>> some of the tables already populated.  I created (successfully) a
>>>>>> script that got all of the primary and foreign keys right on all the
>>>>>> child tables and the parent table, and now I just need to correctly
>>>>>> populate the discriminator column on the parent table.
>>>>>> Each row of the parent table is referenced by exactly one row from one
>>>>>> of the six child tables.  So i'm iterating through all child objects
>>>>>> (yes, doing this via the sa ORM) and setting the value of the
>>>>>> discriminator appropriately.  Then I commit the Session.  Afterward, I
>>>>>> go and look at the parent table directly using pgAdmin and I see that
>>>>>> the new values in the discriminator column were not saved.  That's
>>>>>> strange because I didn't get an error either, nor am I doing anything
>>>>>> that would mask an error.
>>>>>> So I thought maybe the discriminator column on the parent table in a
>>>>>> joined-table inheritance scenario is just not watched by the Session /
>>>>>> UOW.  I thought maybe it assumes that this column would only,
>>>>>> normally, be set during object instantiation and would typically not
>>>>>> change for the lifetime of the object and its associated database
>>>>>> rows.  So I tried manually dirtying the object using
>>>>>> instance_state(obj).modified=True before committing the Session.
>>>>>> Still no success, the new values don't get saved.
>>>>>> Is going outside of the ORM the only way to get this done?  I don't
>>>>>> mind doing so, but I'm just trying to understand better why my initial/
>>>>>> intuitive approach didn't do the job.
>>>>>> Perhaps code / testcase will be requested and if I really can't figure
>>>>>> this out I'll produce them, but it's really a pain in this case
>>>>>> because it's a transient situation as part of a refactoring... I'm not
>>>>>> looking forward to trying to create this once-only situation where I
>>>>>> created the whole of a joined-table inheritance setup without telling
>>>>>> sqlalchemy about it, then table by table altered the keys and mappers
>>>>>> until everything was in place.  Normally I wouldn't operate like
>>>>>> this.  Poor excuse, perhaps, but I'll stand by it for today.
>>>>>> --
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