That's certainly related to the version of MySQL in use, assuming you're 
executing the exact same Python code against both backends.

The first thing to do here is to turn on echo=True, look at the SQL sqlalchemy 
emits, and begin testing those specific clauses against the MySQL database 
manually to see if the results continue to differ.   This would confirm the 
behavior is related to MySQL and you can start researching to see what that's 

On Jan 3, 2011, at 9:35 AM, dhanil anupurath wrote:

> Hi
> My app is using SQLAlchemy0.5.6.
> I have a class defined as follows.
> class EmailSetup(DeclarativeBase):
>    __tablename__ = 'emailsetup'
>    id = Column(Unicode(50), primary_key=True)
>    mail_server=Column(Unicode(255))
>    description=Column(String(200))
>    port = Column(Integer)
>    use_secure = Column(Integer) #No, TLS, SSL
>    site_id = Column(Unicode(50),
> ForeignKey('',onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE"))
>    credential=relation(Credential, \
>                    primaryjoin=id == Credential.entity_id,\
>                    foreign_keys=[Credential.entity_id],\
>                    uselist=False,cascade='all, delete, delete-
> orphan')
> this works fine on ubuntu installation . (MySQL 5.1.37)
> it creates foreign constraint to the sites table.
> CREATE TABLE `emailsetup` (
>  `id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>  `mail_server` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>  `description` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
>  `port` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
>  `use_secure` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
>  `site_id` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
>  KEY `site_id` (`site_id`),
>  CONSTRAINT `emailsetup_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`site_id`) REFERENCES
> `sites` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
> But in centos (MySQL 5.0.77) , the foreign key constraint is missing
> when i check with a show create table.
> CREATE TABLE `emailsetup` (
>  `id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
>  `mail_server` varchar(255) default NULL,
>  `description` varchar(200) default NULL,
>  `port` int(11) default NULL,
>  `use_secure` int(11) default NULL,
>  `site_id` varchar(50) default NULL,
>  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
>  KEY `site_id` (`site_id`)
> any idea what is happening
> Is this an issue related to SA or MySQL?
> Thanks
> -- 
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