I want to do a self join on combined but it wont let me. Essensially,
I want to join two different tables, and create aliases so I can
compare one column and make sure that each item in the column is
uniqe. If there are duplicates, I want my piece of code to show the
duplicates. Combining join with alias seems like the best way to do
this because when using other methods, if I change the duplicates to a
unique name, the name that used to be a duplicate still prints.  Note
that the Header table has a foreign key reference to DiskFile and the
sql version used was 0.6.5. This is the portion of code where I am
getting an error:

combined = join(DiskFile, Header)
combined_alias = aliased(combined)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "duplicatedl.py", line 32, in <module>
    combined_1 = aliased(combined)

  File "/opt/sqlalchemy/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/
util.py", line
304, in __init__
    self.__target = self.__mapper.class_
AttributeError: 'SQLCompiler' object has no attribute 'class_'

Please help!

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