
I've been trying to do unit testing with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL. In
my model/tables I have two entities state and country, state has a
foreign key relating to country (no problems there).

In my setUp()  method I call create_all() for my metadata while in
tearDown() I call drop_all(). The problem that I was detecting is that
it nosetests frozes when is dropping the "state" table after running
the following test:

def test_country_create_orm(self):
    new_country = Country('Country')
    id = new_country.id
    session = Session()
    test_country = session.query(Country).get(id)
    assert test_country.id == id

The Session class is generated with sessionmaker() in the following
way (where engine is the parameter that is passed on to init_model of
Pylons, however I tested the same conditions with create_engine):

sm = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True, autocommit=False)
Session = orm.scoped_session(sm)

I chased the problem through a debugger down onto the implementation
of do_execute for the cursor for the Connection object for PostgreSQL,
after which I strace'd it and discovered that it was being hold on the
poll(2) system call.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I discovered that my
unit tests work if I configure my Session class as:

sm = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True, autocommit=True)
Session = orm.scoped_session(sm)

And flush()ing instead of commit()ing. What also works is that if
instead of doing the query

test_country = session.query(Country).get(id)

I do this:

count = session.query(Country).count()

This doesn't appear to be restricted to the drop_all() method of
MetaData. If I import my Table object that represents my "State" table
and drop it directly it also freezes:

from myapp.model.table import state
state.drop() # freezes

I have tested this issue with Python 2.6.6,  SQLAlchemy 0.6.5 and
0.6.6, psycopg2 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 and PostgreSQL 8.4.5.

Any insights?

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