On Jan 12, 2011, at 11:20 AM, neurino wrote:

> Well as I wrote ordering involves everything, also forms creation with
> formalchemy (make a select where all sensors are ordered that way etc)
> anyway I understand your point of view.
>> quickest is a "where sensor id not in (query)", as a simple WHERE clause
> Problem comes when Sensor primary key is composite (id_cu +
> id_meas)...
> The good 'ol python comes in handy anyway:
>>>> all = Session.query(model.Sensor).all()
>>>> selected = Session.query(model.Sensor).filter(
> ... model.Sensor.id_cu==model.ViewOpt.id_cu).filter(
> ... model.Sensor.id_meas==model.ViewOpt.id_meas).filter(
> ... model.ViewOpt.id_view==1).all()
>>>> diff = [sens for sens in all if sens not in selected]
>>>> len(all), len(selected), len(diff)
> (154, 6, 148)
> We're talking of working on max total 200/300 sensors.
> The OR way did not filter anything (maybe I made somwthing wrong).

Oh you know what, I completely forgot the best solution.  It *is* documented on 
query.order_by() though which is an argument for....checking!    pass None to 
query.order_by().  That disables all order_by's for that query.  So go back to 
your except_() and use except_(q.order_by(None)).

> Greetings
> On Jan 12, 4:04 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 2011, at 8:46 AM, neurino wrote:
>>> I need always the same order_by in all app and it could be subject of
>>> modification and / or integration in the near future so which better
>>> place than mapper to define it once instead of any time I do a query?
>> It sounds like the ordering here is for the purposes of view logic so I'd 
>> have view logic that is factored down to receive Query objects that return 
>> Sensor rows, the view logic then applies the .order_by() to the Query.   
>> I.e. in a web app I use a Paginator object of some kind that does this, 
>> given a Query.   This is probably a reason I don't like "order_by" to be 
>> within mapper(), it doesn't define persistence, rather a view.
>>> Anyway do you think there are alternate paths to get `all sensors but
>>> already choosen` which are "order_by" compatible?
>> quickest is a "where sensor id not in (query)", as a simple WHERE clause, or 
>> use OR, "query sensor where sensor.cu != cu OR sensor.meas != meas OR 
>> sensor.view  != view".   "Except" is not as widely used and I think its not 
>> even supported by all backends, even though it is a nice logical set 
>> operator, its got annoying quirks like this one.
>>> Thanks for your support
>>> On Jan 12, 2:38 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>>> On Jan 12, 2011, at 7:28 AM, neurino wrote:
>>>>> I have this model:
>>>>> ``I organize views with many view_options each one showing a sensor.
>>>>> A sensor can appear just once per view.``
>>>>> sensors = Table('sensors', metadata,
>>>>>    Column('id_cu', Integer, ForeignKey('ctrl_units.id'),
>>>>> primary_key=True,
>>>>>            autoincrement=False),
>>>>>    Column('id_meas', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
>>>>>    Column('id_elab', Integer, nullable=False),
>>>>>    Column('name', Unicode(40), nullable=False),
>>>>>    Column('desc', Unicode(80), nullable=True),
>>>>>    )
>>>>> ctrl_units = Table('ctrl_units', metadata,
>>>>>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
>>>>>    Column('name', Unicode(40), nullable=False)
>>>>>    )
>>>>> views = Table('views', metadata,
>>>>>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>>>>    Column('name', Unicode(40), nullable=False),
>>>>>    Column('desc', Unicode(80), nullable=True),
>>>>>    )
>>>>> view_opts = Table('view_opts', metadata,
>>>>>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>>>>    Column('id_view', Integer, ForeignKey('views.id'),
>>>>> nullable=False),
>>>>>    Column('id_cu', Integer, ForeignKey('ctrl_units.id'),
>>>>> nullable=False),
>>>>>    Column('id_meas', Integer, nullable=False),
>>>>>    Column('ord', Integer, nullable=False),
>>>>>    ForeignKeyConstraint(('id_cu', 'id_meas'),
>>>>>                         ('sensors.id_cu', 'sensors.id_meas')),
>>>>>    #sensor can appear just once per view
>>>>>    UniqueConstraint('id_view', 'id_cu', 'id_meas'),
>>>>>    )
>>>>> Now I let the user add view_options letting him select the sensor.
>>>>> I'd like to show him only the sensors not already selected in other
>>>>> options of the same parent view so I tried to use except_ this way:
>>>>> q = Session.query(model.Sensor) \
>>>>>            .except_(
>>>>>                Session.query(model.Sensor) \
>>>>>                .filter(model.Sensor.id_cu==model.ViewOpt.id_cu) \
>>>>>                .filter(model.Sensor.id_meas==model.ViewOpt.id_meas) \
>>>>>                .filter(model.ViewOpt.id_view==1)
>>>>>                )
>>>>> Sensor mapping has a order_by:
>>>>> orm.mapper(Sensor, sensors,
>>>>>    order_by=[sensors.c.id_cu,
>>>>>                      sensors.c.id_meas
>>>>>   ])
>>>>> I get this SQL and this error, probably due to mapping order_by in
>>>>> Sensor:
>>>>> (OperationalError) ORDER BY clause should come after EXCEPT not
>>>>> before
>>>>> u'SELECT anon_1.sensors_id_cu AS anon_1_sensors_id_cu,
>>>>> anon_1.sensors_id_meas AS anon_1_sensors_id_meas,
>>>>> anon_1.sensors_id_elab AS anon_1_sensors_id_elab, anon_1.sensors_name
>>>>> AS anon_1_sensors_name, anon_1.sensors_desc AS anon_1_sensors_desc
>>>>> FROM (SELECT sensors.id_cu AS sensors_id_cu, sensors.id_meas AS
>>>>> sensors_id_meas, sensors.id_elab AS sensors_id_elab, sensors.name AS
>>>>> sensors_name, sensors."desc" AS sensors_desc
>>>>> FROM sensors ORDER BY sensors.id_cu, sensors.id_meas EXCEPT SELECT
>>>>> sensors.id_cu AS sensors_id_cu, sensors.id_meas AS sensors_id_meas,
>>>>> sensors.id_elab AS sensors_id_elab, sensors.name AS sensors_name,
>>>>> sensors."desc" AS sensors_desc
>>>>> FROM sensors, view_opts
>>>>> WHERE sensors.id_cu = view_opts.id_cu AND sensors.id_meas =
>>>>> view_opts.id_meas AND view_opts.id_view = ? ORDER BY sensors.id_cu,
>>>>> sensors.id_meas) AS anon_1 ORDER BY anon_1.sensors_id_cu,
>>>>> anon_1.sensors_id_meas'
>>>>> is this supposed to be a bug?
>>>>> Any alternative solution (and maybe simpler :) ) to get what I need?
>>>> I suppose its a bug, though I'm not a huge fan of "order_by" on mapper 
>>>> though, so my recommendation would be to not rely upon that.   A solution 
>>>> in SQLA would be if some flag were passed through to not render built-in 
>>>> order bys.  I've added 2022 targeted for 0.7.xx for that.
>>> --
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