Thanks for your help! It was key knowing that I was going in the right

The problem was that I'm stup... erm... I mean... erm... that I made a
bad mistake (beginner's one)...

I was getting the comparator for the Product class: (getattr(Product,
"__eq__")) instead of the comparator for the field/synonym (if I
wanted to check for "model == 'foo'", I needed to get:
getattr(Product.model, "__eq__").

Yey!! It works!

Thank you so much!!

2011/1/16 Michael Bayer <>:
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:53 PM, Hector Blanco wrote:
>> Hello list...
>> I would like to allow the users to perform certain queries without me
>> (or well... my server) knowing in advance what those queries are going
>> to be (without hard-coding the query).
>> For instance: I have a “Product” class. One of it's fields is
>> "manufacturer" and another is "model"
>> class Product(declarativeBase):
>>        def __init__(self):
>>                self.model = ""
>>                self.manufacturer = ""
>> I would like the user be able to input an string with a query, such as
>> “Product.model != 'foo' or Product.model != 'bar'”
>> or:
>> "Product.model == 'foo' && Product.manufacturer == 'bar'"
>> I have created a little Python module (queryTree) that tokenizes the
>> string and generates a tree for that kind of queries. For the last one
>> mentioned above, it would be something like:
>>                   sqlalchemy.and_
>>             /                        \
>>          ==                            ==
>>   /             \             /               \
>> Product.model   "foo"  Product.manufacturer   "bar"
>> 1) The “&&” string can be converted to (stored as) the sqlalchemy.and_ method
>> 2) The fields of Product are sqlalchemy.orm.synonym(s). If I pass my
>> tree module the class I'm going to perform the query for, it can call
>> getattr(cls, "model") and get the synonym (I mean: get the
>> Product.model synonym itself instead of the “model” string)
>> 3) Equally, the comparators are get with getattr(Product, "__eq__") or
>> getattr(Product, "__ne__") so I can store in the tree node the
>> comparator function instead of the string “==” or “!=”
>> But when I try to run the query:
>> from mylibs.product import Product
>> queryString = "Product.model == 'foo' && Product.manufacturer == 'bar'"
>> session.query(Product.Product).filter(queryTree.getQuery(queryString,
>> Product.Product))
>> I get an exception:
>>  File "/home/hbr/Documents/my-cms/backlib/product/",
>> line 62, in getByCustomFilter
>>    retval = 
>> Database.session.query(Product.Product).filter(queryTokenizer.getQuery()).all()
>>  File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>
>>  File 
>> "/home/hbr/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.6.5-py2.6.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>> line 52, in generate
>>    fn(self, *args[1:], **kw)
>>  File 
>> "/home/hbr/.buildout/eggs/SQLAlchemy-0.6.5-py2.6.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/",
>> line 942, in filter
>>    "filter() argument must be of type "
>> ArgumentError: filter() argument must be of type
>> sqlalchemy.sql.ClauseElement or string
> Well everything I can see is correct here, so you just have to ensure 
> getQuery() is returning the root of your tree (which, if it's an "and_()", or 
> a "x == y", is in fact an instance of ClauseElement).   Don't do anything 
> with eval() or strings, keep it as a tokenized structure on your end.  SQLA's 
> job is to make it into a string.
>> With some other tests, I've got some other exceptions that made me
>> realize that I could possibly modify somehow the nodes of my tree
>> until getting "something" that is accepted by MySQL as a valid query,
>> but that's kind of cheating... I'd like to use pure SqlAlchemy if
>> possible (I trust SqlAlchemy more than my programming skills) :-D
> the system you've built to interpret user input into a SQL expression tree 
> should have adequate constraints such that only valid expressions are built 
> in the first place.
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