that is absolutely the reason transactions would not be working for you.   
autocommit on the DBAPI essentially makes the commit() and rollback() methods 
of the DBAPI connection a no-op.

On Jan 18, 2011, at 5:12 AM, bool wrote:

> I have put a self contained script that can probably reproduce this
> for you. I think that the argument  'connect_args': {'autocommit' :
> True } is causing the transactions to not work properly. Is this
> expected and if so can you explain the reason. Thanks in advance.
> ====================================================================================================================
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.sql import *
> def main():
>    """
>    Main body of the script.
>    """
>    meta    = MetaData()
>    kwargs = {
>        'echo' : True,
>        'module_name' : 'pyodbc',
>        'connect_args': {'autocommit' : True },
>    }
>    engine = create_engine("mssql://login:password@/database?
> driver=FreeTDS&dsn=DBDEV", **kwargs)
>    connection = engine.connect()
>    meta.bind = engine
>    table = Table("bbb", meta, Column('id', Integer,
> primary_key=True), Column('name', String),
>                        Column('tt_start', Date, primary_key=True),
>                        Column('tt_end', Date, primary_key=True),
>                        Column('vt_start', Date, primary_key=True),
>                        Column('vt_end', Date, primary_key=True))
>   table.create()
>    for row in connection.execute(select([table])):
>        print row
>    trans = connection.begin()
>    try:
>        ins = table.insert().values(id=122, name='k',
> tt_start='20100101', tt_end='20100101', vt_start='20100101',
> vt_end='20100101')
>        connection.execute(ins)
>        ins = table.insert().values(id=121, name='k')
>        connection.execute(ins)
>        trans.commit()
>    except:
>        trans.rollback()
>        for row in connection.execute(select([table])):
>            print row
>        raise
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>    main()
> -- 
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