Hi ho,

Thanks for the swift reply!

> Did you use uselist=False on foo.bar and the associationproxy? It would nice 
> if you could show some 
> code.http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/extensions/associationproxy.html?h...

Yes I did. The code is more complicated as it has a bunch of other
stuff in it, but here's a condensation:

class Foo(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
    foo_bar_join = relationship(FooBar, primaryjoin = (id ==
FooBar.id_foo), uselist = False)
    bar = association_proxy('foo_bar_join', 'bar', creator = lambda x:
FooBar(bar = x) )

class Bar(Base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)

class FooBar(Base):
    id_foo = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('foo.id'), primary_key = True)
    id_bar = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('bar.id'), primary_key = True)

    bar = relationship(Bar, primaryjoin = (id_bar == Bar.id))
    other_stuff = Column(Integer)

The problem comes if you try to fetch 'bar' from an instance of 'Foo'
for which there is no entry in the "foo_bar" join table.

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