
Thanks. Worked like a charm.

Also thanks for SqlAlchemy. A refreshing change for someone from java

I am using this with Jython. Thanks for the Jython support also.


On Jan 18, 8:54 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Steve wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Newbie here.
> > I just want to execute the following sql using SqlAlchemy . But
> > getting various errors.
> > select ssf.factor,ssf.displayname,pmw.weight
> > from probability_models_weights pmw
> > inner join probability_models pm on pm.id = pmw.model_id
> > inner join success_factors ssf on ssf.id = pmw.factor_id
> > where pm.id = 6
> > I want to execute this using session.
> > I am using declarative base with the following auto loaded classes.
> > class SucessFactors(WBase):
> >    __tablename__ = "success_factors"
> >    __table_args__ = {'autoload':True}
> > class ProbabilityModels(WBase):
> >    __tablename__ = "probability_models"
> >    __table_args__ = {'autoload':True}
> > class ProbabilityModelsWeights(WBase):
> >    __tablename__ = "probability_models_weights"
> >    __table_args__ = {'autoload':True}
> > I tried the following but it didn't work.
> > session.query(SucessFactors.factor,SucessFactors.displayname,ProbabilityModelsWeights.weight).
> > \
> >        join(ProbabilityModelsWeights,ProbabilityModels,
> > ProbabilityModelsWeights.model_id == ProbabilityModels.id).\
> >        join(ProbabilityModelsWeights,SucessFactors,
> > ProbabilityModelsWeights.factor_id == SucessFactors.id).\
> >        filter(ProbabilityModels.id == model_id).\
> >        all()
> query.join() is a one-argument form (it will accept two arguments in 0.7, but 
> thats not released yet), so here you want to be saying
> query(...).select_from(ProbabiliyModelsWeights).join((ProbabiltityModels, 
> ProbabiltiyModelsWeights.model_id==ProbabilityModels.id)).
> the select_from() accepting a mapped class is a helper that was introudced in 
> 0.6.5.   Also note the tuple form inside of join(), i.e. join((target, 
> onclause)) (you won't need that in 0.7).   Documented 
> athttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/tutorial.html#querying-with-joins.
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Steve.
> > --
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