On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:16 PM, A.M. wrote:

> Hello,
> While working on a database test with nose, I dug into sqlalchemy 0.6.6 until 
> I found these lines:
> class DDLElement(expression.Executable, expression.ClauseElement):
>    """Base class for DDL expression constructs."""
>    _execution_options = expression.Executable.\
>                            _execution_options.union({'autocommit':True})
> In my nose test against postgresql, I emit a bunch of DDL, perform the test 
> and then roll back the whole shebang which conveniently makes it look like I 
> didn't touch the database. Obviously, the emitted commits were getting in my 
> way, so I wrote this:
> class NoCommitDDL(DDL):
>    def __init__(self,*args,**kw):
>        super(NoCommitDDL,self).__init__(*args,**kw)
>        unfrozen = dict(self._execution_options)
>        del unfrozen['autocommit']
>        self._execution_options = frozendict(unfrozen)
> DDL = NoCommitDDL
> I still feel like I am missing something though. I understand that PostgreSQL 
> is perhaps one of few databases to allow for transaction-aware DDL, but why 
> is a commit emitted for the DDL for any database, when the database makes it 
> implied anyway?

Several databases offer transactional DDL including Postgresql.    SQLA doesn't 
differentiate between these backends - it emits COMMIT after any statement that 
it considers to be an "autocommit" statement.  "autocommit" means, "commit this 
statement after completion, if a transaction is not in progress".

>From this it follows that if you'd like to emit several DDL statements in a 
>transaction, the usage is no different for DDL expressions than for any other 
>kind of DML statement (i.e insert/update/delete).   Use 
>connection.begin()/transaction.commit() as documented at:


autocommit is described right after that:


Also the public API for _execution_options is the execution_options() 
generative call: 


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