On Feb 15, 2011, at 5:21 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:

> This works:
>        Seller = aliased(Dealer)
>        Buyer = aliased(Dealer)
>        q = self.session.query(Car, Seller.name, Buyer.name)
>        q = q.outerjoin((Car.seller, Seller), (Car.buyer, Buyer))
> This doesn't:
>        Seller = aliased(Dealer)
>        Buyer = aliased(Dealer)
>        q = self.session.query(Car, Seller.name, Buyer.name)
>        q = q.outerjoin(Car.seller, Seller)
>        q = q.outerjoin(Car.buyer, Buyer)
> sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Can't determine join between 'Join object on 
> cars(71352432) and dealers(71704656)' and '%(78454064 dealers)s'; tables have 
> more than one foreign key constraint relationship between them. Please 
> specify the 'onclause' of this join explicitly.
> Is this by design?

the "target" goes first for "target, onclause", syntax, note this is an 0.7 

q = q.outerjoin(Seller, Car.seller)
q = q.outerjoin(Buyer, Car.buyer)

in 0.6 you need the tuples for "target, onclause":

q = q.outerjoin((Seller, Car.seller))
q = q.outerjoin((Buyer, Car.buyer))

Consult http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/tutorial.html#querying-with-joins  
for reference on this.

in this case you are using a property as the "on" which includes the left and 
right points, so you don't really need the "target", the single-arg form works:

q = q.outerjoin(Car.seller)
q = q.outerjoin(Car.buyer)

the "onclause, target" form is a legacy syntax which is why it still attempts 
to work.

> Thanks,
> Michael
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