I think it was missing a key in foreign_keys:

mapper(Sensor, sensors,
       'data': relationship(Data, backref='sensor',
           foreign_keys=[data.c.id_meas, acquisitions.c.id_cu],
           cascade='all, delete-orphan', single_parent=True)

Now it seems work as expected, thanks.

On Feb 28, 1:03 pm, neurino <neur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry if I resume this after two months but I think there's a bug in
> cascade deletion of the relationship you suggested me:
> mapper(Sensor, sensors,
>    properties={
>        'data': relationship(Data, backref='sensor',
>             foreign_keys=[data.c.id_meas],
>            primaryjoin=and_(sensors.c.id_meas==data.c.id_meas,
>                        data.c.id_acq==acquisitions.c.id,
>                        acquisitions.c.id_cu==sensors.c.id_cu),
>            cascade='all, delete-orphan', single_parent=True)
>    })
> since, on a cascade delete of a Sensor sqlalchemy issues this query:
> SELECT data.id AS data_id, data.id_acq AS data_id_acq, data.id_meas AS
> data_id_meas, data.id_elab AS data_id_elab, data.value AS data_value
> FROM data, acquisitions, sensors
> WHERE ? = data.id_meas AND data.id_acq = acquisitions.id AND
> acquisitions.id_cu = sensors.id_cu
> (1,)
> DELETE FROM data WHERE data.id = ?
> that's going to delete all data with id_meas = 1 while it should be
> SELECT data.id AS data_id, data.id_acq AS data_id_acq, data.id_meas AS
> data_id_meas, data.id_elab AS data_id_elab, data.value AS data_value
> FROM data, acquisitions, sensors
> WHERE ? = data.id_meas AND ? = acquisitions.id_cu AND data.id_acq =
> acquisitions.id AND acquisitions.id_cu = sensors.id_cu
> (1, 3)
> DELETE FROM data WHERE data.id = ?
> with the `AND ? = acquisitions.id_cu` part added because Sensor has a
> composite primary key (id_cu, id_meas).
> I know it's a rare situation so I have no problems in removing cascade
> and doing deletions on my own but I'd like to be sure it's not a fault
> of mine but a bug.
> Thanks for your support.
> On Dec 30 2010, 5:45 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>
> wrote:
> > this is again my error messages not telling the whole story, ill see if i 
> > can get the term "foreign_keys" back in there:
> > mapper(Sensor, sensors,
> >    properties={
> >        'data': relationship(Data, backref='sensor',
> >             foreign_keys=[data.c.id_meas],
> >            primaryjoin=and_(sensors.c.id_meas==data.c.id_meas,
> >                        data.c.id_acq==acquisitions.c.id,
> >                        acquisitions.c.id_cu==sensors.c.id_cu),
> >            cascade='all, delete-orphan', single_parent=True)
> >    })
> > or
> > mapper(Sensor, sensors,
> >    properties={
> >        'data': relationship(Data, backref='sensor',
> >             foreign_keys=[sensors.id_meas],
> >            primaryjoin=and_(sensors.c.id_meas==data.c.id_meas,
> >                        data.c.id_acq==acquisitions.c.id,
> >                        acquisitions.c.id_cu==sensors.c.id_cu),
> >            cascade='all, delete-orphan', single_parent=True)
> >    })
> > depending on if this is one-to-many or many-to-one.    A relationship like 
> > this is really better off as a viewonly=True since populating it is not 
> > going to add rows to the "acquisitions" table.
> > On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:15 AM,neurinowrote:
> > > data = Table('data', metadata,
> > >    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
> > >    Column('id_acq', Integer, ForeignKey('acquisitions.id'),
> > > nullable=False),
> > >    Column('id_meas', Integer, nullable=False),
> > >    Column('value', Float, nullable=True),
> > >    )
> > > acquisitions = Table('acquisitions', metadata,
> > >    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
> > >    Column('id_cu', Integer, ForeignKey('ctrl_units.id'),
> > > nullable=False),
> > >    Column('datetime', DateTime, nullable=False),
> > >    )
> > > sensors = Table('sensors', metadata,
> > >    Column('id_cu', Integer, ForeignKey('ctrl_units.id'),
> > > primary_key=True,
> > >            autoincrement=False),
> > >    Column('id_meas', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
> > >    Column('name', Unicode(20), nullable=False),
> > >    Column('desc', Unicode(40), nullable=False),
> > >    )
> > > ctrl_units = Table('ctrl_units', metadata,
> > >    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
> > >    Column('desc', Unicode(40), nullable=False)
> > >    )
> > > and this mapping:
> > > ...
> > > orm.mapper(Sensor, sensors,
> > >    properties={
> > >        'data': orm.relationship(Data, backref='sensor',
> > >            primaryjoin=and_(sensors.c.id_meas==data.c.id_meas,
> > >                        data.c.id_acq==acquisitions.c.id,
> > >                        acquisitions.c.id_cu==sensors.c.id_cu),
> > >            cascade='all, delete-orphan', single_parent=True)
> > >    })
> > > ...

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