Hello everyone:

Let's say I have a class "User"  and a class "UserGroup". One user can
belong to one userGroup, an a userGroup can contain several users
(pretty typical structure). It's a simple relationship I got modeled

class UserGroup(declarativeBase):
       """Represents a group of users with the same features"""
       __tablename__ = "user_groups"

       id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
       name = Column("name", String(50))
       users = relationship("User", order_by=lambda:User.userName,
cascade="all, delete", collection_class=set)

class User(declarativeBase):
       """Represents a user"""
       __tablename__ = "users"

       id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)
       firstName = Column("first_name", String(50))
       lastName = Column("last_name", String(50))
       email = Column("email", String(60))
       userName = Column("user_name", String(50), unique=True, nullable=False)
       password = Column("password", String(64), nullable=False)
       userGroupId = Column("user_group_id", Integer,

       userGroup = relationship("UserGroup", uselist=False)

I am working in a tool that accepts generic queries, and, basically, I
can do something like:

session.query(User.User).filter(User.User.id > 3).values("userName")

And get tuples with a .userName field with all the userNames of the
users whose id is > 3

But if I try:
session.query(User.User).filter(User.User.id > 3).values("userGroup")

I get an error:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column
'userGroup' in 'field list'") 'SELECT userGroup' ()
session.query(User.User).filter(User.User.id > 3).values("userGroup")

I have also tried:
session.query(User.User.userGroup).filter(User.User.id >= 3).all()

but, doing this, I get all the user information, not the userGroup

So here's the question:

Is there any way of getting the "userGroup" value somehow "starting"
(or querying) User objects? (or what would be the best way, if there
are many ways)

Thank you!

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