I have a model with a field:

class Obj(Base):
  meta = Column(PickleType)

For some reason, when I do

  obj = session.query(Obj).get(id)
  obj2 = session.query(Obj2)....

I get a dirty UPDATE being attempted on the first object (noticed this
due to read-only access to a Postgresql DB):

InternalError: (InternalError) transaction is read-only
 'UPDATE intel.opportunity_runs SET meta=%(meta)s WHERE
intel.opportunity_runs.id = %(intel_opportunity_runs_id)s' {'meta':
<psycopg2._psycopg.Binary object at 0x2f8fe18>,
'intel_opportunity_runs_id': '21da68c8-499d-11e0-a5c9-12313f00dc12'}

I'm using 0.6.4. I haven't been able to repro this issue outside the
app. Just wondering if there's any high-level tips on how to best go
about debugging this. Thanks in advance.

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