On Mar 21, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Wouter Overmeire wrote:

> New to sql and sqlalchemy.
> Using an in memory sqlite database.
> Trying to do some queries based on the examples in the sqlalchemy
> documentation.
> I have classes: Tag, Article, Author, Award
> article <--> tag: many to many
> article <--> author: many to many (so one article can have multiple
> authors)
> award <--> author: many to many
> Find all articles written by 'author1'
> articles =
> session.query(Article).filter(Article.authors.any(Author.name ==
> 'author1')).all()
> This works fine, until i start increasing the number of articles and
> authors.
> For 50 authors with each 1000 articles and each article has 10 tags
> (out of 100 tags in total), the above query takes forever, i never let
> it complete and interrupt it after 15 minutes. The above query is just
> as in the documentation (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/
> tutorial.html?highlight=blogpost#building-a-many-to-many-
> relationship), is it suppose to work on larger tables? Very likely i`m
> doing something wrong.

Not really, the EXISTS format is known to be generally slower than a straight 
INNER JOIN.   The operator is convenient, especially when doing a NOT EXISTS, 
but if looking for positive inclusion of sets the more verbose join() approach 
is typically more efficient.

> If i do:
> articles =
> session.query(Article).join(Article.authors).filter(Author.name ==
> 'author1').all()  this is done in a fraction of a second.
> Now trying to find articles written by 'author1' and having tag
> 'tag1'.
> qArticleByTag =
> session.query(Article).join(Article.tags).filter(Tag.tag == 'tag1')
> qArticleByAuthor =
> session.query(Article).join(Article.authors).filter(Author.name ==
> 'author1')
> articles = qArticleByTag.intersect(qArticleByAuthor).all()
> This works fine, but somehow i have the feeling there are more
> efficient ways.

the SQL set operators like UNION, INTERSECT, etc. are not the most efficient 
and are cumbersome to use.      Using two joins() at once would be more 


three sets of rows are intersected above, returning only those rows which are 
correlated and meet all criterion.

> Since i think the above query goes twice through all
> the articles.

with INTERSECT, probably, though its possible some query optimizers could 
figure out a more efficient pattern here (I'm not a deep expert in query 
optimizers to know for sure, however).  Sticking with chains of joins is the 
way to go in any case.

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