I have a couple tables I would like to truncate when each integration
test is done running.  This works fine, in some cases, as long as
there's exception thrown from any of the tests.  In other cases, only
the first test works and the others hang on the TRUNCATE call.

I know it must have something to do with connections to the database
or something like that, but I'm not sure how.  I am closing the
Session after each test and even tried to disable the connection
pooling.  My teardown calls rollback() on the session just in case
there was an Exception or failed assertion.

The code I'm using to truncate is pretty basic and uses a newly
configured engine that has pooling disabled.:

engine = create_engine(
            'postgresql://%s:%s@%s/%s' %
            (Settings.DB_USER, Settings.DB_PASSWD, Settings.DB_HOST,
with contextlib.closing(engine.connect()) as con:
            trans = con.begin()
            con.execute('truncate table "Schema"."Table" cascade')
        engine = None

Is there something else I need to do to ensure all DB connections are
closed?  I'm using PG 9.0, SA 0.6.6 and PY 2.66.

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