On Apr 5, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Israel Ben Guilherme Fonseca wrote:

> Thks for the insight Michael.
> With the @property solution, its not possible to make queries like 
> session.query(Person).filter(Person.address.street="Something") right?

that's not possible with standard SQLAlchemy expression constructs anyway.   
Normally you'd use Address.street to get clause elements against Address.    
You can use hybrids to create this effect fully (see 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/07/orm/extensions/hybrid.html )

> Cascade Saving/Updating in that instance should be a problem too. I tested 
> the composite solution, it's nice but the queries get a bit complex to do 
> when we want to restrict fields of the composite Object (because the need of 
> comparator and when we want only one field of the composite object in the 
> restriction not all of them). Not very straight forward.

I'd argue the original usecase is not very straightforward either, if you have 
just one table you should map a class to it, then as far as nice accessor 
patterns, that's all Python convenience stuff you build yourself (like using 
hybrids above).   I don't see much practicality in attempting to make the 
single table act 100% like two tables do with the ORM, such as being concerned 
about "casades"...there are no cascades, this is one table with no foreign key 
relationships.   I see practicality in getting a pattern that works good enough 
to make coding against the model simple and straightforward.

> I really think that in real-world situations i would never want to make table 
> become two objects, it's much more easy(implementation and understanding) to 
> use just one object. I'm doing a paper about ORM solutions and that's why i'm 
> asking about this specific feature. 

well there's your answer... SQLAlchemy is about getting work done and not so 
much about academic exercises :).

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