Hello everyone!

I have an application with Users and UserGroups... The users have
certain permissions to do stuff in the application depending on the
UserGroup they belong to. The relationship is as follows:

class User(BaseClass.BaseClass, Database.Base):
        __tablename__ = "users"

        _firstName = Column("first_name", String(50), key="fistName")
        _lastName = Column("last_name", String(50), key="lastName")
        _userName = Column("user_name", String(50), unique=True, nullable=False)
        _password = Column("password", String(64), nullable=False)

        _userGroupId = Column("user_group_id", Integer,
ForeignKey("user_groups.id"), key="userGroupId")

        _userGroup = relationship("UserGroup", uselist=False,

class UserGroup(BaseClass.BaseClass, Database.Base):
        """Represents a group of users with the same features"""
        __tablename__ = "user_groups"

        _name = Column("name", String(50))
        _permissions = Column("attach_posts",
CharSeparatedStrings.CharSeparatedStrings(), key="attachPosts")
        #_users: Backref from User


Let's say an administrator unassigns a user "i.e.: john" from its
UserGroup. I don't want to delete "john" from the system, but I want
to execute a method when it becomes "orphan" of user group (mainly to
remove all the permissions "john" has). Is that possible? Something

_userGroup = relationship("UserGroup", uselist=False,

Thank you in advance!

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