
I have a little problem with column names that start with a digit at
an oracle databases which I inherited.
When I try to do and update/insert with values from a dict like this
engine =create_engine('oracle+cx_oracle://<foobar>')
engine.echo = True

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine

site_tbl = Table('TBL_SITE', metadata, autoload = True, schema='foo' )
pks = {'Site_Id':5772}
vals= {'100K_Name':'Foo','Accuracy':'Bar'}

clauses = [site_tbl.c[k]==v for k,v in pks.iteritems()]
update = site_tbl.update().where(and_(*clauses))


I get this error:
DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
 'UPDATE foo."TBL_SITE" SET "100K_Name"=:100K_Name,
"Accuracy_Method"=:Accuracy_Method WHERE foo."TBL_SITE"."Site_Id"
= :Site_Id_1' {'Site_Id_1': 5772, '100K_Name': 'Foo', 'Accuracy':

The problem is that the bindname ':100K_Name'.
Something like this:
myupdate='UPDATE foo."TBL_SITE" SET "100K_Name"=:bv0,
"Accuracy"=:Accuracy_Method WHERE "Site_Id" = :Site_Id'
myvals={'Site_Id':5772,'Accuracy_Method ':'Bar','bv0':'Foo'}

works fine but I really would like to know if there is a way to let SA
handle these column names binds automatically? ( It would make things
a lot easier for me as the vals dict is generated dynamically. )

Kind Regards,

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