On Apr 22, 2011, at 10:16 PM, Iain Duncan wrote:

>> mappers only support the addition of new attributes after construction.   
>> There is of course clear_mappers() but that removes the entire graph of 
>> mappers (emphasis on graph, which is why we don't get into the surgical 
>> removal of individual mappers).   There is also the prospect of creating a 
>> new class, which I'm assuming is not desirable here.   the mapped table 
>> itself is completely core to the mapper itself after construction.
>> The real question would be , why can't your join() be created before the 
>> mapping.    I can understand this kind of issue when using declarative, but 
>> with plain mappers you'd want all Table metadata assembled ahead of time.
>> A standard strategy when this kind of issue exists is to defer the 
>> generation of mappers, which if its more convenient can be done using your 
>> own mapper() callable that gathers up all the various mapper() arguments 
>> into a list, then can emit the actual mapper() calls at some later point 
>> (such as, build_my_mappers()).  
> Thanks Mike. My mapper generation is actually deferred, but the point
> here is that the default modules build their mappers, so I can't just
> *extend* the base framework app if I can't replace one of it's
> mappers. I don't think this is such a weird pattern really, but if
> there is no other option, I suppose I will have to have the extension
> app make an explicit list of all mappers.

let me see if i understand.  You have some core library of classes, that are 
designed to talk to particular database tables.  The core library generates the 
classes, defines table metadata, then maps the classes to the tables.  

then, an application which is a user of that library, would like to import it, 
have the library build up its full persistence model, some of it being 
incorrect vs. what the application wants, then the application would redefine 
how arbitrary members of that class hierarchy are mapped, as an activity of 
"extending" the library.

This seems like a relational database monkeypatch.    if your library is 
designed to be extended in such a way that an importer can redefine how the 
library's class hierarchy relates to a set of database tables, it seems like 
the library would need to provide explicit injection points for that kind of 
functionality where the persistence is set up just once.  As opposed to the 
library defining a full persistence model, then tearing down some parts and 
replacing them.

Its also not clear why the "extension" here wouldn't be a more traditional form 
of extension, that of subclassing those library classes you'd wish to extend.  
User can be subclassed with MySpecialUser, MySpecialUser can then be mapped in 
any way the application sees fit.   It doesn't make much sense that the core 
library knows about a User and knows what table it's mapped to, and then that 
library has functions that would continue to work as expected when User is 
suddenly re-mapped to a join instead of a single table, I can't really imagine 
how that works actually.  

> I guess consider this a use case for why someone might want to be able
> to delete a mapper. I'm a bit surprised that there is no way to do so,

Its easy enough to "delete" a mapper, remove its instrumentation from the class 
and de-associate the mapper totally.   I can show you the API calls.   But then 
all the other mappers that might reference that class are now in an invalid 
state, referencing a dead mapper.   Join conditions inside of relationships 
reference possibly dead columns linked to possibly dead tables.   All of that 
state is invalid, and replacing with a new mapper would mean we'd have to track 
all of those endpoints and surgically figure out all the new linkages - these 
are linkages whose calculation is deferred until the endpoints exist, and then 
are "locked down" to create sometimes very complicated graphs of dependencies 
between classes.    So the ratio of complexity (huge) to usefulness (marginal, 
as there is always a way to defer mapping until the model is complete) is why 
this is not supported.

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