I'm facing some interesting speed issues with my database that only
seem to crop up within sqlalchemy. I have 2 tables in a one-to-one
relationship, with about ~1 million rows each. From Python, I grab an
object from one table (table A):
        rowA = session.query(A).limit(1).one()

And then access a row in table B:
        blah = rowA.b.someRow

I noticed that for ~500 of these, it started taking a long time - so I
wrapped it in time() calls:
        time1 = time.time()
        blah = rowA.b.someRow
        print time.time() - time1

What I find is that when I run this in Python, it takes ~0.01 seconds
per object, but when I execute it directly in the database:
        FROM a
        WHERE a.b_pk = 20;

It only takes ~0.01 milliseconds! Is there some optimization I can do
from within the Model Class definitions, or do I really need to
execute raw sql from my code to get raw speed?


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