> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Enrico Morelli
> Sent: 06 May 2011 16:20
> To: sqlalchemy
> Subject: [sqlalchemy] Dynamic query
> Dear all,
> I've a form where people fill one or more fields to search in a db.
> For the moment I solve it using a lot of if statement and a lot of
> different query based on the filled fields. Something like that:
> if start_date and end_date and instrument and details and technician:
>             c.results =
> Session.query(Repairs).filter(and_(Repairs.start_date>=start_date,
>             Repairs.end_date<=end_date,
>             Repairs.instrument_id==instrument,
>             Repairs.details.like('%%%s%%' % details),
>             Repairs.technician.like('%%%s%%' % technician)
>             )).order_by('start_date').all()
> elif start_date and end_date and instrument and details:
>             c.results =
> Session.query(Repairs).filter(and_(Repairs.start_date>=start_date,
>             Repairs.end_date<=end_date,
>             Repairs.instrument_id==instrument,
>             Repairs.details.like('%%%s%%' %
> details), )).order_by('start_date').all()
> and so on for each combination (for 5 fields I have 20 query!). There
> is
> a way to do that in a more dynamic way?

You can call Query.filter multiple times. Here's an example:

query = Session.query(Repairs)

if start_date:
    query = query.filter(Repairs.start_date >= start_date)

if end_date:
    query = query.filter(Repairs.end_date <= end_date)

if instrument:
    query = query.filter(Repairs.instrument_id == instrument)

# etc.

results = query.order_by('start_date').all()

Each filter condition will be combined using AND.

Hope that helps,


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