Well, now it does make sense. :)

Thanks for the explanation.

2011/5/9 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>

> On May 9, 2011, at 7:57 AM, Israel Ben Guilherme Fonseca wrote:
> > I didn't get why issuing selects for the children objects when
> passive_deletes=False. Wouldn't be better just issue direct deletes, and
> maybe using subselects in the where clause of these deletes (for nested
> associations) when approriate? It would solve the overhead problem of the
> selecting large collections, and it would mimic the ON DELETE CASCADE that
> is expected to exist when using passive_delete=True for databases that don't
> support this feature.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for the explanation,
> ON DELETE CASCADE is provided by all databases that SQLAlchemy supports -
> see "referential integrity" in this chart:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_relational_database_management_systems#Fundamental_features
> the only exception being, MySQL MyISAM.   SQLite added foreign keys some
> releases ago (they are optional but can be enabled).
> Given that ON DELETE CASCADE is already provided by all databases and
> should be used when lots of cascading deletes are needed, the ratio of
> usefulness to effort, which would be significant in that it involves a
> significantly more complex approach within the unit of work internals as
> well as a lot of new tests, doesn't place a feature like this in high
> priority.
> It would not be possible for this behavior to be used in all cases, it
> would only be an optimizing case when its possible.    Consider the case
> where cycles exist - parent->child->subchild->subsubchild, and suppose some
> rows in "child" reference "subsubchild".   The UOW detects the potential for
> cycles based on the graph of mappings, and when it has access to all the
> individual rows (like the database does when ON DELETE CASCADE works)
>  breaks cycles into individual groups so that rows are deleted in the proper
> order.   A query like "DELETE FROM subsubchild WHERE parent_id in (SELECT id
> from subchild where parent_id in (SELECT id from child where parent_id=x))"
> otherwise would fail.
> The current behavior also has the advantage that objects presently in the
> Session, but without their collection-based relationships loaded and linking
> them together in memory, are appropriately updated state-wise, as their
> collection membership is determined before being marked cascaded members as
> "deleted" after a flush.    While passive_deletes=True turns this off, some
> applications with passive_deletes=False may be relying upon this.  Changing
> the cascade behavior to not be aware of individual rows when cycles don't
> exist mean that the state management of individual objects in a session will
> change based on mappings.  An application someday removes a relationship
> that was linking "subsubchild" to "child", and suddenly the Session begins
> to not mark "subsubchild" objects as deleted during a cascade, instead
> waiting until commit() is called and all attributes are expired.    This is
> a subtle side effect arising from seemingly unrelated mapping adjustments -
> this makes it tougher for us to make this new optimization a default
> behavior.    Whereas the difference in behavior between
> passive_deletes=True|False is much easier to understand and anticipate.
> So there's potential for surprises, new complexity, many more tests needed,
> feature is only an optimization, and will probably have to remain optional
> in all cases, all of which is redundant versus pretty much every database's
> own ability to do so more efficiently and predictably via ON DELETE CASCADE.
>    And you can even use query.delete() if you really need to delete lots of
> things quickly and you don't have CASCADE immediately available.
> This also might be a good addition for the FAQ which is currently being
> cleaned up.
> --
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