On May 16, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Torsten Landschoff wrote:

> On Tue, 2011-05-03 at 09:45 -0400, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> It would appear as though a mapped class, I'm assuming called "Preprocess", 
>> is being interpreted as an instance state, an internal ORM construct that 
>> would normally be attached to the mapped object.    I'm not familiar offhand 
>> with any documented usage which could cause that.   If you were to somehow 
>> get your mapped object injected into the identity map incorrectly, though 
>> you'd have to try fairly hard to pull that off since it guards against 
>> incorrect incoming state. 
>> On May 3, 2011, at 4:12 AM, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
>>> Hi *,
>>> has somebody seen this error and maybe an idea how I ended up triggering
>>> it? ;-)
>>> File 
>>> "/home/dynamore/loco2/deploy/linux64_rhel5.4/build/pyi.linux2/loco2/outPYZ1.pyz/sqlalchemy.orm.session",
>>>  line 746, in close
>>> File 
>>> "/home/dynamore/loco2/deploy/linux64_rhel5.4/build/pyi.linux2/loco2/outPYZ1.pyz/sqlalchemy.orm.session",
>>>  line 766, in expunge_all
>>> AttributeError: 'Preprocess' object has no attribute 'detach'
> Interestingly, updating the build machine fixed this problem. No idea
> what caused it. :-(

Funny I didn't notice earlier that Preprocess is actually one of the unit of 
work's internal classes.    Makes it more suspect as a SQLA issue, but then the 
fact that an update fixes it might hint that it had to do with stale .pyc files 
or something like that.   There's no code path of any kind I can see that would 
lead to the Preprocess object, which remains private to unitofwork.py and is 
only referenced in two places, getting added to the identity map.   It looks as 
though the Python interpreter got its references to objects mixed up though I'm 
not sure if that's possible.

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