
I have a declarative class that I'd like to be able to add an
attribute to: (please ignore the eye burning capitals - it's an
existing schema :-) )

class Schedule(Base):
    __tablename__ = "SomeSchedule"
    __table_args__ = (
        dict(schema="Schedule", useexisting=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s %s to %s" % (self.Name, self.Start, self.End)

    query = Session.query_property()

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    NameId = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("reference.name.id"),
    Value = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    Start = Column(Date, nullable=False)
    End = Column(Date, nullable=False)

On instances of this class I would like an attribute NextValue which
would be the Value column of the row in the table where self.id ==
next.id and self.End == next.Start

So do I use a column_property like:

rs1 = Schedule.__table__.alias('rs1')
rs2 = Schedule.__table__.alias('rs2')

next_val_select =  select([rs2.c.Value], from_obj=[rs1.join(rs2,

RollSchedule.NextContract = column_property(next_contract_select)

This gets me almost there, but the from clause in the main select is
aliased to rs2 which means that the columns are messed up:

SELECT [RollSchedule_1].id AS [Schedule_RollSchedule_id],
[RollSchedule_1].[NameId] AS [Schedule_RollSchedule_NameId],
[RollSchedule_1].[Contract] AS [Schedule_RollSchedule_Contract],
[RollSchedule_1].[Start] AS [Schedule_RollSchedule_Start],
[RollSchedule_1].[End] AS [Schedule_RollSchedule_End], (SELECT name_1.
FROM reference.name AS name_1
WHERE name_1.id = [RollSchedule_1].[NameId]) AS anon_1, (SELECT rs2.
FROM [Schedule].[RollSchedule] AS rs1 JOIN [Schedule].[RollSchedule]
AS rs2 ON rs1.[NameId] = rs2.[NameId]
WHERE rs1.[End] = rs2.[Start]) AS anon_2
FROM [Schedule].[RollSchedule] AS rs2

Or should I do it more like this:

RollSchedule.NextRolls = relationship(Schedule,
primaryjoin=(Schedule.NameId==Schedule.NameId) &
                                     # lazy="joined",

and have an assocaition_proxy.

The query I'm looking for is:

SELECT rs."NameId", rs."Contract", rs."Start", rs."End",
      SELECT reference.name."stringId"
      FROM reference.name
      WHERE reference.name.id = rs."NameId") AS anon_1,
      SELECT rs1."Contract"
      FROM "Schedule"."RollSchedule" rs1
      JOIN "Schedule"."RollSchedule"  rs2
      ON rs1.nameId = rs2.nameId
      WHERE rs2."End" = rs1."Start" and rs.id = rs2.id
) AS anon_2
FROM "Schedule"."RollSchedule" rs

Thanks in advance

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