I have an app that does an update or insert (can't guarantee the entry
exists to start with).  I'm trying to increase efficiency and notice a
commit after every insert or update.  Is there a way to hold off on
the commit until one final commit?  Not using the ORM for this
particular piece.

create a dict with the updated values:

         slotargs['part_num']     = row[DB_PART_NUM]
         slotargs['family']       = row[DB_FAMILY]
create the update object (where slot is the Table object):

         u = slot.update().where( and_(slot.c.host_name ==
self.HostName, slot.c.row_num == row[DB_ROW_NUM],
                                       slot.c.tray_num ==
row[DB_TRAY_INDEX],slot.c.port_num ==
row[DB_PORT_INDEX] ) ).values(**slotargs)

         self.GCDB.updateOrInsert(u, slot, slotargs)

 .... function body for updateOrInsert....

   # Arguments are:
   #  SQL Alchemy update object bound to a table and database
   #  SQL ALchemy table object associated with above update
    #  Dictionary of columns that are being updated, should include
the primary key column(s) in case we do the insert
   # Returns the result object.
   def updateOrInsert(self, updObj, tableObj, columns):
      result = updObj.execute()                    # Attempt an update
      if result.rowcount == 0:                     # See if it
         i = tableObj.insert().values(**columns)   # If not then
create an insert object, columns must have primary keys for this table
         result = i.execute()                      # Now do the insert
      return result

Thanks for the help!

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